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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

HSTA HIlo Chapter Update, posted 1-31-2017

Aloha, Joy,
         I attended tonight's meeting, brought back info and plan to ask for time tomorrow after the meeting!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 4:29 PM
Subject: HSTA Hilo Chapter Update


Hilo Chapter 

President's Message

Happy New Year Colleagues!

Many of our state lawmakers attended the legislative reception at our Representative Assembly in December. The purpose of the legislative reception was to allow our members to speak to our representatives and senators and ask questions about any issues or concerns that may affect our students and public education in Hawaii.

The Hilo Chapter members participated in the Hospice of Hilo Light up a Life community activity on Dec. 17 at Macy’s, Prince Kuhio Plaza.

The HSTA held its first-ever Charter School Bargaining Conference Jan. 14 – 15 in Hilo, which is home to ten charter schools.

This conference taught 32 members from charter schools across the state about charter school bargaining, the law and the basics of the HSTA master agreement. Members of the Hilo Chapter executive board and Kohala Chapter President John Kometani attended the conference the evening of Jan. 14 to help with a social activity for the charter school members.

A National Board Certified Teacher Ceremony for Hawaii Island was held on Jan. 26 at the Kamehameha Schools, Hawaii Campus. A total of six educators were honored at the ceremony, three of whom are from the Hilo Chapter. The new National Board Certified Teachers are Tina Haraguchi and Cynthia Tanaka. Newly renewed National Board Certified Teacher is Mary Quijano.  Congratulations to all of these teachers.

Please continue to support our negotiation team by wearing “Red for Ed” on every Tuesday and by participating in upcoming HSTA events.

I'll see you at Hilo Chapter's Teacher Institute Day, Thursday, Feb. 16 at Keeau High. You won't want to miss the latest news from members of the Negotiations Team and much more!

Click here for details about Hilo Institute Day, Feb. 16
Mahalo for your time.

Dawn Kiyoko Kainoa Raymond
HSTA Hilo Chapter President
Copyright © 2017 Hawaii State Teachers Association, All rights reserved.
Mahalo for your engagement.

Our mailing address is:
Hawaii State Teachers Association
1200 Ala Kapuna Street
HonoluluHI 96819

Add us to your address book

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Request for Absentee Ballot: deadline is Jan. 27 deadline

To: WIS Teachers
From: L. Kashinoki, HSTA elections committee
Posted by J.Grabar
Date: 1/25/2017

Just a friendly reminder that FRIDAY, JAN. 27  is the last day to request for an absentee ballot for elections this year.  Please remind your teachers to go to the HSTA website for the link to make that request.  Thank you!

Kerinne Smith and Lynn Kashinoki
Hilo Chapter Elections Co-Chairs

Teacher Institute Day information

To: WIS Teachers
From: R. Yamanaka, posted by J. Grabar
Date: 1/24/2017
Re: Teacher Institute Day


  1. Teacher Institute for the Big Island schools will be on Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017.  Institute is a negotiated day for union activities (Article XVI) and it is expected that all teachers will be reporting for work at their respective Institute locations.  For the Hilo chapter, that site is Keaau High.  Teachers are not to report to their schools on that day.

  1. Any teachers who have questions may be directed to contact me at: or call:  935-9301.

  1. I will be asking for a report from each school at the end of the week (Friday, Jan. 27th) to see if you have contacted all your teachers with this message.

Thank you,

Rae A.Yamanaka
HSTA Hilo UniServ Director
Hilo Lagoon Centre
101 Aupuni St., ste.219
Hilo, HI  96720
Phone:  (808)935-9301 office; (808)365-6979 cell

An Injury to One is an Injury to ALL!

Ronelle Arquero
Hawaii State Teachers Association
Big Island

Hilo Office                                                       West Hawaii Office      
101 Aupuni Street, Suite #219                                                           73-4257 Hulikoa Drive, #B
Hilo, HI  96720                                                                                     Kailua-Kona, HI  96740
Phone:  935-9301 w Fax:  969-7492                                                  Phone:  934-8031 w Fax:  334-9519
UniServ Director:  Rae Yamanaka                 UniServ Director:  Maia Daugherty

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify HSTA. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the HSTA. Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. HSTA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

HSTA Teacher of Year Luncheon NOMINATIONS NOW! posted 1-22-2017

HSTA Excellence in Teaching Nomination form
SY 2016-2017

Please nominate a Waiakea Intermediate School teacher who excels in and/or out of the classroom. This is your chance to recognize this teacher’s efforts in making a positive impact at our school!
Nomination forms will be in your mailbox. You may also email your nominations and narration to Joy Grabar.

Due to Joy Grabar by Friday, February 3, 2017.

Teacher of Year nominee’s name: ___________________________________________

Name of person nominating: ________________________________________________

Please provide a written narrative about your nominee; this narrative will be included on the ballot

Thank You