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Saturday, March 18, 2017

updates, Petition, posted 3-18-2017

Hi, Friends,
Have a great SPRING BREAK!

1.  Consider supporting this petition regarding use of public school education:

2. Thanks to the peeps who came out to the Aloha Club Spring Fling at Liko Lehua Pauahi on Friday, March 17! Congrats to Kristen for her winning joke! Thank you to the hosts at Liko Lehua Pauahi for a wonderful night.

3. Look forward to HSTA sign-waving events in April.

4. Sign our BIG PETITION for Gov. Ige with Joy Grabar when you return to WIS.
Governor Ige:
We, the hard working teachers of (insert your school name), demand a fair contract now to attract and retain new colleagues to the profession and give keiki the schools they deserve.

Be safe!
Joy Grabar

Friday, March 17, 2017

hsta updates, 3-17-2017

From: R. Yamanaka
Date: 3-14-207
Posted by J. Grabar, 3-17-2017

Mahalo to all who participated in the March 7th sign wavings, picture takings, BOE testimonies and who wore and are wearing red on Tuesdays!  We need this type of support to keep placing the pressure onto our Governor, the BOE, the Employer’s Negotiating team, the DOE and our legislators. 
Help yourself and help the profession by getting and staying involved with Association activities.  Here are some things that you can do:
  1. Wear RED every Tuesday!  Wear our new or regular HSTA red shirts on those days.  Optional sign wavings in the morning and afterschool on Tuesdays
  2. Volunteer to help at the following events:
  1. March 19, 2017:  Big Island International Marathon, at Honolii Lookout, set up at 5:30 and ending at 10:30.  Let Rae and Edwin know if you can make it and when.  Wear your red HSTA shirt
  2. April 8, 2017:  Special Olympics, at Keaau High field, set up at 6am to 7:30am.  We will set up the field events and tents.  Let Rae and Chris Ho know if you can make it.  Wear your red HSTA shirt
  3. May 13, 2017:  NALC (National Letter Carriers food drive) at airport post office landing dock from 1-6pm.  Let Rae and Chris Ho know if you can make it and wear your red HSTA shirt.
  1. Have conversations with your family, friends and community members about what we are asking for in this contract
  2. Submit BOE and legislative testimonies when requested.  HSTA will be sending out requests for testimony to your personal emails.  If you are not receiving those emails, let me know so we can check to see if we have the correct one on file for you.
  3. Keep Rae informed of issues and concerns coming from your teachers
Rae Yamanaka:
Edwin Kagawa:
Thanks again and #HawaiiTeachersUnited!!!
Rae A.Yamanaka
HSTA Hilo UniServ Director
Hilo Lagoon Centre
101 Aupuni St., ste.219
Hilo, HI  96720
Phone:  (808)935-9301 office; (808)365-6979 cell
An Injury to One is an Injury to ALL!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Monday, March 13, 2017

Reminder: WIS sign-waving Tuesday, March 14 in the AM, posted 3-13-2017

Thank you to our teachers who will sign-wave on Tuesday, March 14!
Let's make waves and demonstrate our united spirit!
Wear red for education!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

TOY and retiree lunch tickets; Tuesday March 14 sign-waving, posted 3-8-2017

Re: WIS announcements
From: Joy Grabar

1.  Tickets for Excellence in Teaching Luncheon are available now!
Please rsvp with Joy Grabar now!
Date: Sunday, May 21 from 11am - 3 pm
Place: Nani Mau Gardens
Cost:  $25.00 adults and $17.00 children (5-11 years old)
πŸ˜€WIS attendees as of March 10, 2017:  11 πŸ˜„

Any retirees at WIS? 
If you are planning to retire this school year, please inform Grabar. You will be honored at the Excellence in Teaching Luncheon, and will enjoy a wonderful complementary buffet lunch. Let's celebrate together! 

HSTA covers the luncheon costs for the Teacher of Year honoree and our retirees. 

2. Tuesday, March 14 AM WIS SIGN-WAVING:
Please wear RED and prepare to sign-wave in front of the office. If you do not yet have a shirt, there are more available!

Future sign-waving:
According to Rae Yamanaka, the Hilo Chapter will coordinate after school sign-waving events in April. I will keep you posted.

Can WIS students sign-wave alongside teachers?:
APC and admin discussed this issue (3-9-2017), and it was decided that students may sign-wave if their parent/guardian is willing to sign-wave with them. This protocol will free teachers of bearing any liability while sign-waving, and also encourage more parent involvement. If you have questions about this decision, please see Joy Grabar. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

WIS's Teacher of the Year, posted 3-8-2017

Congratulations to WIS's Teacher of the Year for SY 2016-2017


Let's celebrate this great educator at the 
Teacher of the Year Luncheon
Nani Mau Gardens
Sunday, May 21st
11 am - 3 pm
Tickets can be purchased from Joy Grabar
r.s.v.p. asap!
 $25.00 adults and $17.00 children (5-11 years old)
HSTA covers the cost for TOY honoree and retirees.

#HawaiiTeachersUnited: next steps, posted 3-8-2017

To: WIS Colleagues
Re: Updates from #HawaiiTeachersUnited
From: Joy Grabar
==>post removed by J. Grabar on 3-11-2017<==
On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 6:53 PM, Debbie Anderson <> wrote:
Joy, please share a celebration of today' successes:

Our "ConAm" passed the Senate today. Now headed to the House. This evening the Hawaii State BOE just voted to support HSTA's Constitutional Amendment (ConAm) heading to voters to support education better by increasing non-resident property taxes. Typically property taxes go to the counties which do NOT fund their schools; school funding from only the State general fund has been getting too far a short stick for much too long a time. EVERYONE BENEFITS from stronger graduates, a better workforce cycling into our community growth. Mahalo for sign-waving - we'll need our community to vote in support of the future our keiki deserve!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Thank you to the 34 teachers who were present at WIS's Tuesday, 3-7-2017 WALK-IN, posted 3-7-2017

To: WIS Colleagues
Re: Today's (Tuesday) Sign-waving event
Date: 3-7-2017
From: Joy Grabar

Thank you for everyone's participation in Tuesday's WALK-IN event! 34 teachers were present, and we look forward to more red bodies next tuesday! 

FYI: There were also many students who were ready to stand with us teachers, but admin prevented their efforts, citing safety concerns. According to R. Yamanaka, however, students should be allowed to stand with the teachers regarding this issue, so I will investigate this matter and update you asap.


Updates from R. Yamanaka 
Re: Tuesday Sign-waving
Date: 3-7-2017

Yea!  Hilo chapter comes through again!  Amazing pictures of sign wavings at various schools.  Wonderful turnout of teachers, students, parents, retirees, school staff and admin! 

  1. Keep the signs for optional sign wavings the rest of this month on Tuesdays.  
  2. Stay tuned for a mass sign waving at specified sites in the afternoon during the first week in April.
  3. Keep wearing the RED HSTA shirts every Tuesday
  4. No new HSTA shirts left on Oahu, I have a few that I am filling the existing orders (not all sizes are available).  Will let you know if more new shirts are ordered.  I do have the regular RED HSTA shirts if you want those.
  5. Please thank all your teachers, admin., staff, students, parents and community members for their support.
Good work everyone!  Please be sure that all your teachers are receiving the Members Matters and other HSTA communications.  If they are not, please have them send me their personal email address so I can be sure that we have the correct one on file.
I was able to drive by the following schools this morning and saw their enthusiastic sign wavings:  Waiakeawaena, Waiakea Elem, Waiakea Inter, Waiakea High, Hilo Inter, Hilo High, Hawaii District Office Hilo/Waiakea, Hilo Union, and Connections. 
Mahalo to all who participated!!!

Monday, March 6, 2017


For Tuesday, March 7:
Please wear RED.
Meet in front of the office to sign wave along Puainako.
We have signs.
The purpose is to promote public awareness about education--specifically our teacher contract.
See you there.
Joy Grabar

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Details about Tuesday, March 7 AM Walk-In, posted 3-2-2017

To: WIS Colleagues
From: Joy Grabar
Date: 3-2-12017
Re: HSTA events for Tuesday, March 7 and until our contract is renewed!

This is a summary of the School Leader Lowdown, a special email bulletin for HSTA's school level leaders, chapter presidents, and board members. This document contains updates and information for union events statewide.

Tuesday, March 7 Day of Action
  • wear red
  • morning sign waving at each school for 15-30 minutes before school starts
  • gather all teachers in a common area in front of the school for a group photo, and participation check-in
  • walk in to school as a group just before the start of the work day. Feel free to chant as you enter
  • Testimony, oral and written, for presentation at the BOE meeting that evening
Why are we doing this? 
1. The state (BOE, governor, and superintendent) needs to prioritize retaining quality, experienced teachers. But the state is not taking the negotiations process seriously by:

  • Not bringing all team members to the table including their chief negotiator and governor's representative
  • Not engaging in any significant way in discussions of our proposals, even non-cost items
  • Not being available to bargain on a timely basis--30 days between sessions is not timely
2. There is a teacher shortage crisis -- and the problem is getting worse.

3. The state's current offer, made Jan. 19, 2017 of a 1% lump sum payment (bonus) in October of 2017 and 2018 is not adequate nor fair. It amounts to an average of about $550 per teacher per year, which is not enough to offset anticipated increasing health care costs and not enough to help attract and retain teachers.

Who should participate:
  • Faculty members
  • Interested parents, students, and community members
Highest participation wins kudos and calories!
  • The top ten schools with the highest participation by percentage of members will receive special treats for their faculty and be highlighted on and Facebook page.
Sign waving advice
  • Be sure to remain on public sidewalks; do not block roadways or driveways.
  • Don't bunch up; space out volunteers for a better visual effect.
  • Always smile, even if drivers frown or make obscene gestures.
  • If you are close enough to drivers and their windows are open, say, "Mahalo!"
What should we chant?
Leaders in regular type; group in bold:



3)  NO, NO, NO WAY


5) 1, 2, 3, 4
5, 6, 7, 8


BOE testimony the night of March 7
  • All islands: Write and submit testimony to the BOE asking for a fair contract at its March 7 night meeting.
If you did not receive a hsta t-shirt, there are still some available. 
Let Joy Grabar know and a shirt will be delivered to you.

This Blog:
Please subscribe to this blog in order to receive updates and information regarding hsta. As you may know, teachers are not allowed to utilize lotus notes for hsta-related communication; therefore, your subscription to this blog helps your School Level Leaders (Joy, Debbie, Kim, Randall, Chad, and Wendy) with dissemination of information and details about what's happening. We appreciate your efforts to stay informed, and be involved. ALOHA!

TUESDAY, MARCH 7 WALK IN at WIS, message from Hilo Chapter President, 3-2-2017

From: J. Grabar
Posted 3-2-2017

Hello, Colleagues!

HSTA t-shirts will be delivered as soon as I have them.
Please wear your shirt on Tuesdays, starting on Tuesday, March 7 for the HSTA WALK IN event.

We will gather in front of our school to demonstrate our unity in support of teachers and a fair contract.

Joy Grabar

Message from Hilo Chapter President, Dawn Raymond:


Hilo Chapter 

President's Message

Aloha Colleagues,

Many thanks to all of you who attended Hilo Chapter Institute Day and voted on February 16. Some members from the Hamakua and Kona Chapters joined the Hilo Chapter members at Kea’au High School. There were over 900 Unit 5 members present on that day.

There will be a statewide HSTA activity on March 7. Please wear red on that day and sign wave in the morning in front of your school, take a group photo and walk in together before the start of the work day. Text landscape/horizontal photos(s) at original or large size to: 365-6979. And be sure to tell us what school the photos are from.

HSTA is also encouraging all teachers to write testimony to the Board of Education (BOE). Notices and talking points will be sent via Member Matters emails when testimonies are needed for various issues.

Our next Representative Assembly will be held April 18 at Kea’au High School library at 5 p.m.

Here's a quick video from some of your Hilo Chapter leaders. You make them feel sky high!

I wish all of you a great and restful spring break.

Dawn Kiyoko Kainoa Raymond
HSTA Hilo Chapter President

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March 7 Walk In

TO: WIS Faculty
From R. Yamanaka
Posted by J. Grabar
Re: March 7 "Walk In"

(Please note the attachments and due dates for reports)
Hi all,
Thanks to all who attended last night’s RA and picked up your t-shirt orders and signs.  Many thanks to those of you who volunteered to deliver shirts and signs to those schools who were not able to make it.
I need you to do the following:
  1. Inform all your teachers about the March 7th sign wavings, picture taking and walk in (refer to the 2/28/17 #HawaiiTeachersUnited – Call to Action handout from the RA last night.
  2. Send me the projected numbers for sign waving participants and BOE written testimonies by March 3rd.  Email:; Fax:  969-7492; cell:  365-6979
  3. Check in rosters will be emailed to each head rep. this week.  Please use the roster to check in your participants and send the roster back to me ASAP on March 7th.
  4. Send the pictures and videos to me ASAP on March 7th.
  5. Send any BOE testimonies to me by noon on March 7th.
After the March 7th sign wavings, please continue to sign wave before and after school every Tuesday if possible.  We need to keep our visibility ongoing throughout the negotiations period and to continue to keep the pressure on the Employer.
  • Wear RED every Tuesday and wear the HSTA shirts when you are out in the community. 
  • Use the talking points in the weekly Members Matters and the School Leader Lowdowns when writing testimonies and speaking with the public. 
  • Take pictures of your staff wearing RED and keep sending them in to me.
Shirts and signs:
If you need more shirts and signs, please let me know. 
Rae A.Yamanaka
HSTA Hilo UniServ Director
Hilo Lagoon Centre
101 Aupuni St., ste.219
Hilo, HI  96720
Phone:  (808)935-9301 office; (808)365-6979 cell
An Injury to One is an Injury to ALL!

Constitutional Amendment update, 3-1-2017

To: WIS Faculty
Re: Constitutional Amendment update
From: Debbie Anderson
Posted by: Joy Grabar

CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT to create additional funding for our public schools, PASSED in the Ways and Means Committee today, along with its enabling legislation. (SB 683 and SB 686). GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!! Teachers, you submitted 3,880 pieces of testimony in SUPPORT! 

SO NEXT they cross over to the House.

FW: #HawaiiTeachersUnited - CALL TO ACTION!!!, poste 2-28-2017

From: R. Yamanaka
Date: 2-27-2017
Posted by: Joy Grabar, 2-28-2017

#HawaiiTeachersUnited – Call to Action!
Contract negotiations are progressing at a very slow pace if at all.  We need to continue to keep the pressure on our Governor, the DOE and the BOE.  We need to activate all our teachers and their supporters in the community.  We need YOU to work with your teachers to show that HSTA is united in our actions for a fair and equitable contract.
These are the plans for the next few weeks:
Organizing your schools
  • Head Faculty Rep. or School Organizer will be the point person for your schools
  • Contact all your teachers about the March 7th Day of Action
  • Pick up your t-shirts and signs at the Feb. RA on 2/28 at Keaau High Library
  • Additional instructions on these and other events at the Feb. 28th RA.
  • By March 3rd , send Rae a tentative count of the number of teachers who will be participating in the March 7thactivity and who will be sending written testimony for the BOE meeting
  • Keep checking the Friday Members Matters and other emails and flyers from HSTA on a daily basis
  • Keep in weekly contact with your chapter Core Organizer (Aaron Kubo, Val DeCorte, Evette Tampos, Cheney Kaku, Chris Ho, Roxane Stewart or Michelle Nahale-a) and your UD
March 7, 2017:  Day of Action
  • All teachers and supporters to wear RED
  • Sign waving at each school before the beginning of the school day for at least 15-30minutes.  Invite parents, students and community groups to participate in the sign wavings.  If the media is there, appoint a spokesperson to address the issues as explained in the Feb. 26, 2017 School Leader Lowdown (attached)
  • Gather teachers for a group picture taking and participation sign in:  send group pictures and short 30 second videos with the participation sign in sheets to Rae ASAP that morning.  Text to:  365-6979.  Be sure to include name of school and person sending the pictures and sign-ins.
  • Group walk in just before the start of the work day.  Chanting is encouraged (see attachment for types of chants)
  • Submittal of written testimony for BOE meeting:  send to Rae by 12noon or earlier on March 7th.  Talking points will be sent via email once the BOE publishes their agenda items.
  • Photo/Video tips:  take photos and videos in landscape/horizontal mode with smart phone, send photos to UD in large or original size, videos should be less than 30 seconds.
  • Feel free to post pictures about the event and use our campaign hashtag,  #HawaiiTeachersUnited.
  • The top 10 schools with the highest percentage of participation of members will receive special treats for their faculty and be highlighted on and our Facebook page.
Every Tuesday in March, April and May:
  • Wear RED
  • Optional sign waving before or after school 
  • Send pictures to Rae ASAP
Mass sign wavings planned for the week of April 3rd.  More details to come soon.
NOTE:  signs and the new t-shirts will be distributed at the Feb. RA on the 28th at Keaau High Library from 5-6:30pm.  Please be sure to have a representative from your school at the RA to pick up these items.
Rae A.Yamanaka
HSTA Hilo UniServ Director
Hilo Lagoon Centre
101 Aupuni St., ste.219
Hilo, HI  96720
Phone:  (808)935-9301 office; (808)365-6979 cell
An Injury to One is an Injury to ALL!

Election endorsements, posted 2-28-2017

To: WIS Faculty
From: Debbie Anderson
Posted by: Joy Grabar, 2-28-2017

In administrative decentralization, local, internal elections matter such as our HSTA Institute Week voting procedures. We can ask and evaluate candidates for offices including delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly according to criteria. My personal endorsement follows, based on my experience with many of the State candidates over the last quarter century. I am voting and endorsing the following:
myself (#23) & 14 other State delegates to NEA, listed according to my absentee ballot order:
Corey Rosenlee,
Jamie Stidger (Windward),
Mitzie Higa,
Osa Tui,
Amy Perruso,
Dr. Angie Miyashiro (Hilo),
Jodi Maeda Kunimitsu (Kauai/Maui),
Kellee Kelly (Hilo),
Mireille Christianne Ellsworth (Hilo),
Lisa Morrison (Maui),
Laverne Moore (Honolulu),
Justin Hughey (Maui),
Paul Daugherty (Kona) and
Alan Isbell (Maui).
Thank you all for the differences you make for our union across our islands and our learners, and for me as a continually developing teacher leader. I wish all candidates the best in their respective chapter elections, and appreciate your willingness to serve.

Criteria: First, we need to know What is our purpose? We're "a focused dynamic organization of involved members collaboratively creating quality public education." 
Vision Statement: United in the pursuit of excellence for Hawaii’s public schools. 
Mission Statement of HSTA, to:
Support and enhance the professional roles of teachers;
Advocate teachers’ interests;
Collaborate with all segments of the community to assure quality public education for Hawaii’s youth; and
Promote human and civil rights to support and nurture diversity in our multifaceted community.
As an organization, the Hawaii State Teachers Association core values Professionalism, Integrity, Proactivity, Advocacy, Collaboration, and Democracy:
Professionalism: Enhance and support the art and science of teaching by licensed teachers;
Integrity: Uphold high standards of truth and ethics;
Proactivity: Promote innovative ideas and initiate solutions to shape the future;
Advocacy: Promote quality public education for all students and teachers;
Collaboration: Work inclusively with stakeholders toward quality public education by seeking and considering diverse points of view;
Democracy: Ensure a society that fosters free and equitable quality public education which sustains democracy.