Negotiation team heads to the table Dec. 4
HSTA has begun negotiations for the mid-term re-opener of the contract, which is limited to only these two areas:
- Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund (EUTF) – That involves increases in the employer health premium contributions.
- 21 hours of job-embedded professional development – September member survey showed strong support to continue, but many would like modifications to the current system. If no extension is negotiated, the 21 hours will not continue in school years 2019-2021.
The Employer and HSTA have agreed to hold their first at-the-table negotiations session Dec. 4. The primary topic of discussion at that session will be the 21 hours of job-embedded professional development. The HSTA team will share results from our recent member survey as well as feedback from members gathered from our Negotiations Committee.
Read Survey Results HereThe survey results are available on HSTA's member-only pages on its website, You must be an active HSTA member and have a registered web account to view those files. Use your member number on the membership card you received in the mail this fall and Register for our website here. We must verify your HSTA membership before giving you web access, so you will not receive instant member access.The Employer and HSTA have agreed to exchange formal proposals in January; this provides HSTA more time to gather feedback from members and both sides to wait on EUTF premium rates (which won’t be available until January) to assure more accurate discussions. The parties need to settle by mid-April to assure Legislative funding for any increases in the cost of the collective bargaining agreement. Any changes will go into effect after July 1, 2019.
In November and December, we are asking our Negotiations Committee to gather additional information and feedback about the 21 hours through their monthly representative assembly meetings and respective faculty representatives at the school level. Please check with your head faculty and/or Negotiations Committee member for more information.
Negotiations Committee members and their chapters are listed here:
Paul Daugherty – Chair (Team) Diane Mokuau - Vice-Chair, Molokai (Team) Leilani Ngumezi - Central Pauahi Kazunaga - Central Jayne Heinze - Hamakua Aaron Kubo - Hilo Jenne Olayon - Hilo Shannon Kaaa – Honolulu (Team) Thomas Schemel - Honolulu Stephanie Blakemore - Kauai Elizabeth Bauer - Kohala Jennifer Murphioka - Kona Douglas Weidman - Lanai Angela Ricketts - Leeward Tammy Shaw - Leeward Lisa Morrison – Maui (Team) Freddie Perez - Maui Bea DeRego - Windward Kana Naipo - Windward
If you have feedback or would like to send a message of support to the Negotiations team, email them at