Updates on Educator Effectiveness System
HSTA would like to provide the following answers to members’ frequently asked questions regarding the Department of Education’s implementation of the Educator Effectiveness System (EES) for School Year 2015-2016. These FAQs are based on some inquiries received during our statewide listening tour, school visits, and emails. We hope these answers help clarify some of your questions.
1. Am I supposed to receive a copy of the EES manual for this year?
A: Yes, Article VIII, D of the collective bargaining agreement requires teachers be “provided a personal copy of the (evaluation) instrument”. All teachers should receive a hard copy of the manual from their respective administrator; teachers can also access a copy of the manual from the DOE intranet and the DOE’s public web page. http://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/DOE%20Forms/Educator%20Effectivness/EESManual.pdf
2. How do I know if I am on the streamlined, standard, or enhanced system of evaluation?
A: Page 6 of the EES manual outlines the different types of evaluation. The easiest way to determine your evaluation category is to check your rating from last school year. If you were tenured and effective or better, you fall in to the group that is streamlined (which covers about 99% of tenured teachers). You can also log into your PDE3 account and your category should be listed. If you believe there is a discrepancy between what the EES Manual states your evaluation track should be and what is listed on PDE3, contact your evaluator to resolve the problem. If there is not a satisfactory resolution at that point, contact your complex area's EES EO for assistance.
3. What is an IPDP (individualized professional development plan)?
A: An IPDP, is a component of Educator Effectiveness System (EES). Appendix VI of the contract requires “all teachers will develop and maintain an individual professional development plan that identifies areas for targeted growth and learning”. Teachers on streamlined evaluation will develop and submit these plans.It should be noted, regardless of the IPDP developed, tenured teachers rated effective or better in 2014-2015 will carry over their rating for the 2015-2016 school year.
4. What is the purpose of IPDP? What is the difference between IPDP and EES?
A: IPDP is a component of EES. The administrator is supposed to support the process of a teacher using data to develop a professional development plan to work on over the course of the school year. The teacher and administrator can set up future meetings and/or observations as need to help support that work throughout the year.
5. Can my administrator dictate the IPDP template, data, or items I plan to work on in the IPDP, and/or require the whole school to work on the same IPDP goals?
A: No. IPDP is teacher initiated and controlled. Appendix VI of the contract states that the plan is “developed and maintained” by the teacher. Administrators should not be mandating the template, data, or plan. The teacher selects the template or form of the plan. The teacher selects the data used in developing the plan. The teacher selects the areas of targeted growth for the plan. However, it should be noted that a conference with the administration is required to discuss the plan and the administration can provide suggestions for improvements or changes to the IPDP and ultimately coordinate on the plan.
The administrator/evaluator can recommend a school-designed plan or suggest a template, but they cannot make it a requirement for IPDP purposes. Finally, the administration will verify in the PDE3 that there was an IPDP conference and the date of that conference in PDE3.
6. When is the IPDP due?
A: IPDP is due by the last day of 1st quarter (EES Manual, page 9).
7. I am concerned my principal will use any small reason to move from streamlined to a standard evaluation can they do that?
A: No. Principals should not be using “standard” evaluations as a threat to get teachers to be compliant. However, if performance deficiencies arise, the evaluator may put the teacher on a principal directed professional development plan (PDPDP) instead of leaving teacher on the IPDP.
Two other options the evaluator may consider are to provide additional supports or put the teacher on the standard evaluation track, based on the professional judgement of the administrator (EES Manual, page 9). To move a teacher from a streamlined to a standard evaluation the principal must meet with the teacher and have documented deficiency that warrants the movement (EES Manual page 42-43).
If teachers are being threatened with movement for trivial reasons they should consult with their school grievance representative and/or HSTA UniServ Director.
8. My administrator is directing teachers on the streamlined EES to complete their own SLO/SSIO and/or participate in EES observations and/or produce a portfolio just like those on the standard or enhanced evaluation, is this right?
A: No. The administrator should not be directing this type of work related to EES. However, the administrator/evaluator can direct teachers to set learning objectives, participate in data teams and walkthroughs (page 6). These items are not to be documented in PDE3 and cannot be used for evaluation purposes for teachers who are on the streamlined evaluation track. The time needed to complete this type of work should be during the workday and the 21 hours of Job Embedded Professional development can be utilized for this type of work.
9. How will teachers know what grouping (streamlined or standard) they are assigned for school year 2016-2017?
A: The group “A” and group “B” category transition schedule is still pending announcement from the DOE.
10. I still do not see my 3 PD credits posted in my PDE3 account for school year 2014-2015, who do I contact?
A: There could be a couple of reasons the credits didn’t post. First check with your administrator to make sure your name was turned in as completing the 21 hours of PD in School year 2014-2015. If you missed hours and didn’t make them up by the end of the school year you will not be awarded the credits. For more information on this, see the following memo and FAQ issued by the DOE in August of 2014.
Secondly, there have been reports that some credits are not posting properly, call the Personnel Development Branch 441-8333 and report the problem, and ask for assistance in getting the issue resolved. Finally, if you still have questions please consult with your HSTA UniServ Director.
11. What should I do if my administrator is not implementing the EES properly?
A: The first step is to contact the school Association Policy Committee (APC) which includes the grievance representative. The APC is made up of HSTA teachers at the school or worksite who meet with the Principal to discuss concerns or contract violations. The APC meeting should help to determine if it is a misunderstanding or if a grievance is in order. If a discussion with the administration does not resolve the matter, the APC and/or the teacher should consult with their HSTA UniServ Director. The Complex Area EES Lead is also a key resource who should address EES implementation matters.
12. If teachers still need clarification and/or have questions on EES, what can they do?
A: Teachers can ask their principal, contact their Complex Area EES Lead, call the EES Help Desk 586-4072, contact their School APC members and/or contact their respective HSTA staff person (UniServ Director).
If teachers do not know their UniServ Director they can contact HSTA at 833-2711 and ask for referral to the appropriate staff. Neighbor island offices are as follows: Maui 873-7788, Kauai 245-7396, Hilo 969-7492, West Hawaii Island 934-8031. They can also email info@hsta.org with their name, school and contact information; the email can be forwarded to the appropriate staff member for follow up.
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