August 16, 2016Summary and Synthesis of Shareholder Feedback
What do we want for students?
Hawaii’s students are educated, healthy and joyful leaners
who contribute positively to our community and the global society
Hawaii’s students are empowered to pursue their passions
while demonstrating “Global” Learner Outcomes (GLOs)
“Global” Learner Outcomes include:
Complex Thinker
Effective Communicator
Self-Directed Learner
Community Contributor
Quality Producer
Effective and ethical user of technology
Innovative creator
How will we support students to pursue
their passions
and achieve their potential?
Governor’s Vision
We serve our community by developing the academic achievement,
character, and social-emotional well-being of our students to the fullest
potential. We work with partners, families, and communities to ensure that
all students reach their aspirations from early learning though college,
career and citizenship.
Future-focused, empowered school communities that inspire
leadership, creativity and innovation in a healthy and safe learning
At the Governor’s Education Summit on July 9, 2016, the
following eight Design Ideas were well received as key principles to guide the
Blueprint for Hawaii Public Education. The ESSA Team reviewed all of the input
and feedback gathered and summarized and synthesized the comments for each
Design Idea. Additionally, a ninth
Design Idea (Teacher Quality) was added as a result of the team review of input
and ongoing team briefings. Following
the Kapolei Town Hall meeting, a tenth Design Idea (Systemwide Values,
Expectations, and Outcomes) was added.
Design Idea: Equity and Excellence
The Hawaii public schools will achieve high learning
expectations, built around 21st century skills, supported by quality
teaching that meets the needs of all students and eliminates the achievement
Key Ideas:
Provide early learning opportunities and deepen
understanding of early learning
Need more funding to further differentiate
ability to meet needs
Revisit how we define the “achievement gap”
teaching for all students that support early childhood education , innovative
strategies and equity for all (synthesis of input from Kapolei Town Hall
Related to the Larger System
Proposed School-Based Decisions
Many suggestions on how to provide consistent
support to principals and teachers to address cultural sensitivity, ELL, SPED
and poverty
Promote a culture that is inclusive – think
also about language that categorizes students and stigmatizes the way they
are viewed – fosters disrespect
More arts education
More resources based on needs of students
Teacher quality
More funding for all – close resource gaps
More attention to high needs students
The system must be transparent regarding data,
funding and resources
Ensure all teachers and principals are
qualified and effective – good match for the schools
Individualized / differentiated professional
Personalize student learning
Individualized Education Plans
Provide support for inclusion and co-teaching
Develop a system for 2-way evaluation –
teachers of principals and principals of teachers
Addressing the achievement gap – reading and
SPED needs
Eliminate demeaning language that is divisive
when referring to students with special needs
Design Idea: Balanced Assessments for Learning
Our Hawaii public schools will be guided by a core belief
that education assessment will be conducted in the service of student
learning and that all educators possess
the assessments literate skills for reflection and refinement of professional
Key Ideas:
Don’t assess just reading and math – expand to
other measures
Consider sampling
Make testing less high stakes
How do we motivate students to do well on tests
multiple forms of assessment including formative and authentic assessment such
as project based and teacher created rather than a focus on standardized tests.
(synthesis of input from Kapolei Town Hall meeting)
Related to the Larger System
Proposed School-Based Decisions
Use of assessment data to inform instruction,
intervention and data
Assess GLOs
De-emphasize standards, move to assessments
that matter to kids
Reinstate senior/authentic projects
Motivation to do well on summative assessments
Need more training and PD and support for
principals and teachers
Alternative assessments for learning
Less high stakes testing/more authentic
Performance based assessments in Grades 5, 6,
and 8
Authentic assessments
Student reflection on work performance
Formative assessments
Motivation to do well on formative assessments
Address varied ways of measuring excellence
and student success
Parent/teacher conferences
Design Idea: Leadership
The Hawaii public schools will ensure that every school has
a highly effective (innovative, collaborative, adaptive, transparent) instructional
leader who is committed to students and their community.
Key Ideas:
Create a needs-based support system for leaders
Make a distinction between management and
Let leaders lead (lessen mandates and
Eliminate the “one size fits all” approach
Leaders must know their community and commit to
leading in that context
should be shared and focused on teaching and learning in order to create a
system of continuous improvement with a deep commitment to student success. (synthesis
of input from Kapolei Town Hall meeting)
Related to the Larger System
Proposed School-Based Decisions
Identify, mentor and support leadership at all
Include the legislators (an important group)
in the conversations about education reform
Manager should take care of operations –
freeing principal to concentrate on leading and education
Require decision makers (including
legislators) to send their kids to public schools in their districts and
principals too
Focus on GLOs
Support to school-based leaders should come
from the Complex Area
Principals must create a proper environment to
empower teachers and students
Principals must be a moral and inspirational
Principals must be visionary
Shared leadership – develop teacher leaders
Leadership for early learning
Design Ideas: School/Community Empowerment and Engagement
Our public schools and communities will design and establish
a trust-based system to move decision making and resources to those closest to
the students and their learning.
Key Ideas:
Empowerment and engagement is powerful.
Empowerment requires transparency to promote
Loosen the “grip.” Release control.
Lessen compliance when possible as it relates to
teaching and learning
Provide choice
The system should trust the schools
Teachers should trust their administrators and
vice versa
Determine how to address variation when there is
Community Empowerment – involves partnerships with all stakeholders focused on
fostering learning for all pre-K to 12 students. (synthesis of input from
Kapolei Town Hall meeting)
Related to the Larger System
Proposed School-Based Decisions
Decentralize the system
Better use data communication
Engage all shareholders
Vision of empowerment
Personalizing education pathways
Student voice
Allow schools to be more flexible to meet
student needs
Open, consistent processes for communication
More Town Hall meetings
Need BOE meeting times changed so more people
could attend
Trust each other
Allow schools to be more accountable in their
decision making
Bring in more partnerships with other
organizations and shareholders
Get parents involved in child’s education
Teachers sharing and learning from each other
Design Idea: Student Empowerment
Our Hawaii public schools will empower students to take
responsibility for their learning through student voice and choice of
meaningful learning opportunities.
Key Ideas:
Empowerment should be modeled throughout the
Teachers must release control to empower
all students through project and placed based learning by giving them
opportunities for meaningful input into what they want their schools and
classrooms to offer. (synthesis of input
from Kapolei Town Hall meeting)
Related to the Larger System
Proposed School-Based Decisions
Include student engagement as part of
accountability system
Provide professional development for
principals and teachers on how to promote student voice
Move away from top-down command and control
Empower teachers IN ORDER to empower students
Student-driven classes/curriculum choices/
Students driving school-based decision making
across the system
Create school culture for student voice
Embrace failure learning
Project-based learning
Student driven master schedule in school
Personalized learning
Relationships between teachers and students
Change pedagogy – constructivist,
Design Idea: Innovation
The Hawaii public schools will create and sustain a culture
that values innovation and unleashes curiosity and creativity in all learners.
Key Ideas:
Eliminate standardization of instructional
Allow innovative problem solving by students;
allow teachers to innovate
Create a framework to encourage innovation
Offer grants and incentives
Need flexibility
– facilitates creativity in an environment of personalized learning with an
emphasis on skills and competencies for the 21st century global
learner. (synthesis of input from Kapolei Town Hall meeting)
Related to the Larger System
Proposed School-Based Decisions
Offer greater diversity in what the high
school “finish line” can look like to complete their education
More options for career education/preparation
expanded beyond just college prep
Credit for community-based practicums
Integrated HS/CC vocational degree
Less standardized testing
More emphasis on project-based learning and
performance-based assessment
Strong vision
Room to pursue the whole child
More arts integration and less focus on tech
Project-based opportunities
Time to learn together
Much more flexibility for classroom teachers
to choose their learning strategies and resources
More say in what is taught
Design Idea: Learning Environments
Our Hawaii public schools will design and establish new, innovative,
and cost effective strategies to provide the best possible learning
environments for both K-12 and Early Learning programs.
Key Ideas:
Leverage Act 155 to create 21st
century learning facilities.
Expand the “learning environment to go beyond the
school walls.
Define the learning environment to include the
atmosphere or culture of the classroom and the school not just the physical
traditional schools and classrooms to learning areas that are clean safe and
conducive to teaching and learning in creative and resourceful
environments. (synthesis of input from
Kapolei Town Hall meeting)
Related to the Larger System
Proposed School-Based Decisions
Budget – provide more funding
Model and foster a culture of aloha from the
top of the system to the schools
System-wide PD for teachers and administration
Reduce class size
Early childhood education
Facilities, A/C, conditions on campus
Better community partnerships
Learning beyond the classroom walls –
outdoors, field trips
A school culture that promotes curriculum
designed collaboratively by teachers to engage students
Teachers use collaborative, student-centered,
strategies in the classroom
Caring adults at every level who support the
student (the whole child)
Remove anxiety and fear (a culture of fear)
Promote innovation at the school – empower
schools to customize their learning environments
Various campuses share resources to provide
students with more opportunities
Include more project-based learning, career
and tech programs
Design Idea: Networked Improvement
Community - A Statewide Learning Community
Our Hawaii public schools will become the home of a world
class research and design (R&D) center, aligned system wide at all levels
of the education system, for the purpose of informing shareholders in the area
of cognitive and emotional learning and balanced assessment practices, in the
service of learning, and high performing instructional leadership.
Key Ideas:
Maximize the use of a NIC with policymakers,
researchers and practitioners for the sole purpose of continuous improvement.
The NIC should be external to the Department of
Education to ensure objectivity.
community and networking opportunities
to share ideas and to create statewide learning community to guide
educational reform and improvement (synthesis of input from Kapolei Town Hall
Related to the Larger System
Proposed School-Based Decisions
Research and Development think tank attached
to the Board of Education or the University of Hawaii
Need better collaboration and communication
with the DOE and the schools
Avoid “restarting,” “flavor of the month,”
“reinventing” by using research
Shoot for a world class education system
Systematize support/communication with
neighbor islands
Offer an option to conduct action research to
improve school-based practice
Offer the opportunity for schools to
participate in research and development initiatives conducted by the NIC
Sources of Data
Comments from Summit Evaluations
Summit participants input/feedback through the
worksheets submitted
“Post-its” during afternoon input/feedback
sessions at the Summit
Summit feedback in “real time” online
Public Survey
Principal Survey
Teacher Survey
Design Idea: Teacher Quality
All students in Hawaii public schools will be served by
future focused teaching profession of highly skilled teachers who are empowered
to teach to their passions, build effective relationships, inspire innovative
learning for curious and creative learners, and deliver relevant and rigorous
instruction and assessment for attainment of global learning outcomes.
Key Ideas:
Eliminate the teaching shortage for the Hawaii
DOE and create conditions where teaching as a profession is one of the most in
Attract, recruit, and retain Hawaii students to
enter the teaching profession and careers in teaching and school leadership
Address conditions that lead to resignation,
early retirement, employment in other systems and create conditions for
teachers who are committed and dedicated to teach in the Hawaii public schools
Secure the necessary financial and other
resources to fully support a future focused teaching profession in the Hawaii
public schools
should be supported in growth and development and teacher preparation programs
and professional development that encourages them to continually improve and to
provide adequate compensation for this effort. (synthesis of input from Kapolei
Town Hall meeting)
Related to the Larger System
Proposed School-Based Decisions
Elevate the teaching profession
System transformation will guide
Accountability processes will be implemented to get to desired practices in
classrooms and schools
Develop a deep capacity for high quality
teacher training through higher education systems
Focus on long term solutions vs quick fixes
System that leads through transparency and
System that trusts teachers
System that values and listens to the voices
of teachers as practitioners to guide continuous improvement of the larger
System designed for balanced assessments and
Significant time and resources provided for
collaboration and working with others
Evaluate teacher training programs
Collaborative and visionary school
administrators will empower teachers, create a culture for professional
learning, and conditions for innovation and creativity
A system of support for teachers through
skillfully facilitated professional learning communities
Teachers who promote and inspire creativity
and innovation in all students
Teachers who embrace failure as part of the
learning process that can lead to a growth mindset
Teachers who value student voice
Teachers that are skilled in balanced
assessment and triangulation of evidence for learning
Teachers who are trained and skilled in brain
based cognitive teaching and learning practices
Personalized learning for teachers
New Design Idea
Design Idea: Systemwide Values, Beliefs, and Expectations
The public school education system in Hawaii will have as
its foundation a set of systemwide values, expectations, and outcomes that are
place-based and unique to the Hawaiian values, language, culture, and
Key Ideas:
Na Hopena A’o are six outcomes to be modeled by
all leaders, educators, and staff and strengthened in every student
Establish a powerful cultural context for the
delivery of instruction and learning and lift up all things that makes Hawaii
unique and special for our education system
This is an opportunity to reempower schools
where innovation is ingrained
Related to the Larger System
Proposed School-Based Decisions
Clear communication to remove
misunderstandings that exist as to the purpose and meaning
To approach all efforts as an ohana,
collective team based approach to all, we are all obligated to each other as
family; once you start to compare, it can become one against the other
development, leadership development, and systemwide application of Na Hopena
These outcomes do not serve as a end
Teacher Training Programs
Principal Leadership Training Program
Apply learning from early adopters of Na Hopena
Apply insights from the Assessment for
Learning Grant / Project
Opportunity for schools to be empowered and to
develop curriculum, strategies, and assessments meaningful to Hawaii
Synthesis of Input on
Cross Cutting Themes from Role Groups – Kapolei High School - Highlights
Teachers provided input relating to professionalism and
satisfaction including the need for academic freedom, more time, more teacher
voice in the academic and financial plan process, being respected and treated
as professionals, and the need for improved professional development.
Principals provided input relating to the need for greater
support from the state level in various areas, the need for personnel
flexibility and support, and a request – don’t tie principals hands.
Parents: need
transparency, more community discussions, local tests, local curriculum
Community: want quality involvement,
sharing/communication needs to be reciprocal, system - value the role of
stakeholders, systemwide outcomes
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