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Thursday, September 7, 2017

Posted 9-7-2017 (Sept. 6, 2017): Letter from HSTA president about DACA

To my fellow educators:

On Monday, President Trump decided to end DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. These children have broken no law on their own accord and are productive Americans. There are 800,000 dreamers in the United States and potentially 2,000 here in Hawaii. These dreamers are not statistics. We know them and many of you have taught a dreamer in your class. They are our students and children; we have personally worked to help them improve their lives. We have even seen our dreamers go on to college, join the military to defend our country and become teachers in our neighboring classrooms.

To pull these children out of college, jobs and from their families is cruel and does not represent the values of the HSTA, NEA or the USA. As educators, we strive to give all children the equal opportunity of a quality education and a better life. We don’t ask about the immigration status of the children who enter our classrooms, and we work to educate them regardless of their background. Please urge Congress to act swiftly to pass the DREAM Act of 2017 – a permanent legislative solution that will provide a pathway toward citizenship for DACA recipients and Dreamers. Dial 1-855-764-1010 now to be connected to your members of Congress.  Here's an article with a link to urge Congress to pass the DREAM Act.

Here is a video link from NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia.

Our collective voice can make the difference in improving these children's lives and I urge you all to take action on their behalf.


Corey Rosenlee
HSTA President
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