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Monday, May 2, 2016

Opportunities for teachers to continue to develop re: testimonials, ESSA Task Force, Education Summit, and HSTA Accomplishments SY 2015-2016

To: WIS Colleagues
From: Debbie Anderson
Emailed: 5-2-2016

Opportunities for teachers to contribute continue to develop across the next seasons. PLEASE let me know if you have an area of interest!

5/3/16 10 a.m. BOE Meeting (testimony due today 5-2-2016 by 10:00 AM)

Our HSTA members on the ESSA Task Force (Amy Perruso & Catherine Caine) are soliciting direct teacher input on ESSA issues for policy responses, such as the following (with our Speakers Bureau volunteering as leaders):
Education Leadership
Hawaiian Education 
Charter Schools 
Fair and Just Climate
Vulnerable populations (Foster, homeless)
May 14, 2016: next ESSA Task Force Meeting. Agenda available.

June 1, 2016: 4 new BOE members take office, along with responsibilities for review of policies, etc.

July 9, 2016: Education Summit (for anyone who applied to the ESSA Task Force, etc.)
8:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m. at the Hawaii Convention Center
[We need volunteers to attend, because over 110 HSTA elected leaders will be in Washington DC with the NEA Representative Assembly wrapping up July 7 late, and being followed by the Save Our Schools March on Washington, etc.]

August 31, 2016: ESSA Task Force Town Hall Meeting 
from 5:30 - 7 p.m. at Waiakea High School

November 5, 2015: ESSA submits its final recommendations to the BOE/DOE.

This year, HSTA accomplished the following (from Kris Coffield, our contracted HSTA legislative assistant): 
- Obtained $100 million for air conditioning and other heat abatement initiatives;
- Help passed legislation requiring the DOE to become more energy efficient overall and expedite classroom cooling for the longterm;
- Successfully lobbied for passage of a bill to expand school impact fees in Honolulu's urban core and allow their use for school site acquisition and building repair; 
- Secured $500,000 for a pilot program to give teachers debit cards for school supplies; 
- Passed through the House and Senate Education Committees measures to increase school funding, end EES, and eliminate toxic testing, which can be taken up again next year;
- Brought hundreds of teachers to rally for the Schools Our Keiki Deserve, launching a grassroots campaign to organize educators and their communities to support a progressive education vision (outlined in our SOKD publication); 
- Worked with legislators and BOE members to begin implementing the newly enacted Every Student Succeeds Act (Secretary Treasurer Amy Perruso is an ESSA task force member) and revising the DOE's strategic plan; and 
- Rejoiced at the Supreme Court's rejection of Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, which would have decimated the finances and organizational capabilities of public sector unions

Thanks for being part of our "collaboratively creating quality public education."

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