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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Posted 10-5-2017 (Dated 9-28-2017) HSTA reacts to anti-union Supreme Court case


Aloha Colleagues:

Today the U.S. Supreme Court today announced that they will hear Janus v. AFSCME. This case is trying overturn a 40-year-old precedent (Abood v. Detroit) in which the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that unions can collect fair share fees for representing workers in collective bargaining, contract enforcement and other matters relating to wages and work conditions. The reason for fair share fees is to prevent “free riders” or those who benefit from the work of unions in collective bargaining, but don’t pay their fair share.

This new case is not just an attack on unions, but is sponsored by the same groups who wish to privatize schools and make public education a for-profit business. Unions are some of the strongest forces in our country fighting for workers’ rights, income inequality and quality schools for all children regardless of their zip code.

The educators in HSTA are an ohana. We take care of each other and our keiki. In Hawaii you don’t go to a potluck, eat all the food but don’t bring a dish to share.

Here is some quick background on today’s developments from the New York Times.

In the past year, you have experienced the power of collective action as teachers stood united to secure a new HSTA contract with raises, more money for health coverage and other improvements. The HSTA works hard to fight for our members, their families and the keiki we teach across the state of Hawaii. We remain committed to standing shoulder to shoulder with parents and the community to improve Hawaii’s public schools.

The HSTA joins the National Education Association and other unions across the country in fighting back against the legal attacks on teachers and other hard working folks.

Regardless of attacks on unions, we will continue to fight hard for what is right. We need your help to fight back. Please share HSTA’s Facebook post with this article or post it yourself on social media and use some of the messages below to help us spread the word about the attacks on the middle class.

We must stand together to ensure that America has an economy that works for everyone. Thank you for the work you do every day for all of our keiki and for supporting this effort!


Corey Rosenlee
HSTA President

Right-wing groups behind #SCOTUS case admit they’re spending tens of millions to “defund and defang” #unions:

#SCOTUS case, Janus, is really about further rigging our economy against working people in favor of the wealthy and powerful. #DefendUnions

#SCOTUS case threatens to make entire public sector “right-to-work.” This is an attack on economic and civil rights at the same time.

Unions provide working people a path to the middle class & stability for their family, now the #SCOTUS wants to take that away.

#SCOTUS case, Janus v. AFSCME, attacks freedom of working people to join in strong unions. #Unions are needed now more than ever.

Corporate interests behind Janus #SCOTUS case want use the Court to rig the economy even more against working people.

Working people should have freedom to join together in strong #unions to improve their workplaces and provide for their families.

#Unions are key to fix this rigged economy. #SCOTUS case, Janus, strikes at our freedom to join in strong unions for a better future.

(SCOTUS stands for Supreme Court of the United States)
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Mahalo for your engagement.

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