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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Posted 11-26-2017 (dated 11-20-2017) Happy Thanksgiving from your Hilo Chapter HSTA president!


Hilo Chapter 
President's Message

Aloha Colleagues,
I would like to thank all School Level Leaders (SLLs) for your continued hard work at your schools, and for attending the training sessions provided by our UniServ Director Rae Yamanaka.
Thank you also for participating in HSTA activities and programs, and for your dedication in making public education a priority by investing in our keiki.
I wish all of you a happy Thanksgiving.

Dawn Kiyoko Kainoa Raymond
HSTA Hilo Chapter President
Copyright © 2017 Hawaii State Teachers Association, All rights reserved.
Mahalo for your engagement.

Our mailing address is:
Hawaii State Teachers Association

Posted 11-26-2017 (Dated 11-17-2017) Apply to be a core organizer, Enter HSTA and NEA contests, HSTA questions why Maui schools remained open during heavy rains

HSTA searching for core organizers; Apply now! 

The Hawaii State Teachers Association seeks members who are trusted and respected among their colleagues to help lead the work of our association. The HSTA believes a strong union is one to which members want to belong and participate. Members are encouraged toapply to become an HSTA State Level Core Organizer

Core Organizers will go out and build meaningful relationships with teacher members through face-to-face meetings and other methods of communication. Applications are due by Jan. 15, 2018. Core Organizers will participate in mandatory training and will be absent from work (on union release time) for training as well as organizing activities. 

Read the HSTA Core Organizer position description.

Apply to become an HSTA State Level Core Organizer

Last chance: Submit a RED FOR ED photo and be entered to win an HSTA prize pack!

The HSTA invites you to share some RED FOR ED photos of you and your colleagues over the next week. This is a contest that rewards more entries for posting your photos on Facebook. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you can still submit a RED FOR ED photo and enter the contest. There are several ways to enter to increase your chances of winning one of three prize packs!

Click the image and enter the HSTA Giveaway! Contest ends at midnight tonight (Nov. 17).
Enter NEA contest; Weekly prizes until Dec. 12

You’re always giving to others—now it’s time to think about yourself! For the next four weeks until December 12, enter the
Treat Yourself This Holiday Giveaway for a chance to win some sweet weekly prizes each Tuesday, including: a $200 TJ MAXX gift card, an Amazon Echo Show, a $200 DSW (shoes, boots, handbags and more!) gift card, and a $200 Nordstrom gift card. Five lucky NEA members will win each week! Enter the giveaway each week by clicking here.

NEA Member Benefits holiday flyer -- how to enter this national contest

NEA Member Benefits "Treat Yourself This Holiday" Giveaway FAQs


HSTA asks why Maui schools remained open during deluge

HSTA President Corey Rosenlee recently wrote an email to the two Maui complex area superintendents, asking why schools remained open during heavy rains late in October that caused flooding, dangerous road conditions and power outages. The HSTA is following up on this issue at the state level to discuss our concerns about schools remaining open in these types of situations. Teachers should also be aware of the following language in the contract from Article X, Teacher Protection: “When students are sent home from school or are not required to attend due to emergencies which endanger health or safety, teachers will not be required to remain at, nor report to, said schools.”

Read HSTA's letter raising concerns about dangerous conditions for teachers and students during heavy rains on Maui and see the DOE's brief response.

Maui HSTA Chapter's next hike with Sierra Club Dec. 16

The HSTA's Maui Chapter will hold its next event with the Maui Chapter of the Sierra Club  on Saturday, Dec. 16. It will be an archaeological hike at a preservation site to protect native forests and cultural sites from development.  Please RSVP to Victoria Zupan at or Adriane Raff Corwin at for this event.

The Dec. 16 hike is open to the public, but pending enough interest, we can have our own HSTA event. Children are welcome for the event.  It is easy to break off and head back to your car at any time.
About the next hike:  Wailea 670/Palau’ea (C/E); South Maui 2 miles
Archaeological hike with Dr. Janet Six. Visit prominent cultural complexes in Wailea 670 preserve to mark sites. Rugged terrain. Closed shoes/boots, long pants and good balance a must. Bring water, hiking stick, cameras.   
HSTA sponsors ELL professional development workshop Jan. 11

HSTA members will host a free ELL professional development workshop run by Central Chapter English Language Learner teachers.  This professional development opportunity will be on Thursday, Jan. 11, from 3:30  – 5:30 p.m. at HSTA's Red Hill headquarters on Oahu.  Members will learn how to better support the ELLs in their classroom and school. Topics include:
  • US Department of Education-Language Instruction Educational Programs (LIEP)
  • SLA (Second Language Acquisition) strategies
  • ELD (English Language Development) materials
  • Staffing
  • Other federal guidelines.
There will also be time for questions and answers.  Please register for the Jan. 11 HSTA ELL training by Jan. 9

Parking is at HSTA and overflow parking is at Red Hill Elementary School. Light refreshments will be provided.
This professional development opportunity is not sponsored by the DOE and is not for professional development credit.
DOE sabbatical applications being accepted thru Jan. 12

The Department of Education is accepting teacher sabbatical leave applications for the 2018-2019 school year until Jan. 12, 2018. Teachers can apply for one semester or one entire school year.

Teacher sabbatical leave 2018-1019 DOE memo

Teacher sabbatical leave information

Sabbatical application form

Sabbatical instructions/criteria

Teacher sabbatical leave criteria/rating scale

HEA conducts professional development survey

The Hawaii Education Association is conducting a survey to help shape its professional development programs "by educators, for educators."

The purpose of this study is to collect information from professionals like you, to create relevant programs for the future of education in Hawaii.  Your participation in this survey will support HEA's strategic planning efforts to ensure it is a viable and relevant organization for the future generation of educators, current educators and our retirees. 

Take the HEA professional development survey through Dec. 11.

Read this letter from June Motokawa about the HEA survey.

Sign up for the 7th International Conference on Education and Social Justice Dec. 1 -3

Subscribe to and follow HSTA's social media accounts
Be sure to subscribe to HSTA's YouTube channel and follow us on Instagram for the latest videos, photos and news about our Association and public schools in Hawaii.

Copyright © 2017 Hawaii State Teachers Association, All rights reserved.
Mahalo for your engagement.

Our mailing address is:
Hawaii State Teachers Association

Friday, November 17, 2017

Posted 11-17-2017 (Dated 11-17-2017) Apply to be a core organizer, Enter HSTA and NEA contests, HSTA questions why Maui schools remained open during heavy rains

HSTA searching for core organizers; Apply now! 

The Hawaii State Teachers Association seeks members who are trusted and respected among their colleagues to help lead the work of our association. The HSTA believes a strong union is one to which members want to belong and participate. Members are encouraged toapply to become an HSTA State Level Core Organizer

Core Organizers will go out and build meaningful relationships with teacher members through face-to-face meetings and other methods of communication. Applications are due by Jan. 15, 2018. Core Organizers will participate in mandatory training and will be absent from work (on union release time) for training as well as organizing activities. 

Read the HSTA Core Organizer position description.

Apply to become an HSTA State Level Core Organizer

Last chance: Submit a RED FOR ED photo and be entered to win an HSTA prize pack!

The HSTA invites you to share some RED FOR ED photos of you and your colleagues over the next week. This is a contest that rewards more entries for posting your photos on Facebook. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you can still submit a RED FOR ED photo and enter the contest. There are several ways to enter to increase your chances of winning one of three prize packs!

Click the image and enter the HSTA Giveaway! Contest ends at midnight tonight (Nov. 17).
Enter NEA contest; Weekly prizes until Dec. 12

You’re always giving to others—now it’s time to think about yourself! For the next four weeks until December 12, enter the
Treat Yourself This Holiday Giveaway for a chance to win some sweet weekly prizes each Tuesday, including: a $200 TJ MAXX gift card, an Amazon Echo Show, a $200 DSW (shoes, boots, handbags and more!) gift card, and a $200 Nordstrom gift card. Five lucky NEA members will win each week! Enter the giveaway each week by clicking here.

NEA Member Benefits holiday flyer -- how to enter this national contest

NEA Member Benefits "Treat Yourself This Holiday" Giveaway FAQs


HSTA asks why Maui schools remained open during deluge

HSTA President Corey Rosenlee recently wrote an email to the two Maui complex area superintendents, asking why schools remained open during heavy rains late in October that caused flooding, dangerous road conditions and power outages. The HSTA is following up on this issue at the state level to discuss our concerns about schools remaining open in these types of situations. Teachers should also be aware of the following language in the contract from Article X, Teacher Protection: “When students are sent home from school or are not required to attend due to emergencies which endanger health or safety, teachers will not be required to remain at, nor report to, said schools.”

Read HSTA's letter raising concerns about dangerous conditions for teachers and students during heavy rains on Maui and see the DOE's brief response.

Maui HSTA Chapter's next hike with Sierra Club Dec. 16

The HSTA's Maui Chapter will hold its next event with the Maui Chapter of the Sierra Club  on Saturday, Dec. 16. It will be an archaeological hike at a preservation site to protect native forests and cultural sites from development.  Please RSVP to Victoria Zupan at or Adriane Raff Corwin at for this event.

The Dec. 16 hike is open to the public, but pending enough interest, we can have our own HSTA event. Children are welcome for the event.  It is easy to break off and head back to your car at any time.
About the next hike:  Wailea 670/Palau’ea (C/E); South Maui 2 miles
Archaeological hike with Dr. Janet Six. Visit prominent cultural complexes in Wailea 670 preserve to mark sites. Rugged terrain. Closed shoes/boots, long pants and good balance a must. Bring water, hiking stick, cameras.   
HSTA sponsors ELL professional development workshop Jan. 11

HSTA members will host a free ELL professional development workshop run by Central Chapter English Language Learner teachers.  This professional development opportunity will be on Thursday, Jan. 11, from 3:30  – 5:30 p.m. at HSTA's Red Hill headquarters on Oahu.  Members will learn how to better support the ELLs in their classroom and school. Topics include:
  • US Department of Education-Language Instruction Educational Programs (LIEP)
  • SLA (Second Language Acquisition) strategies
  • ELD (English Language Development) materials
  • Staffing
  • Other federal guidelines.
There will also be time for questions and answers.  Please register for the Jan. 11 HSTA ELL training by Jan. 9

Parking is at HSTA and overflow parking is at Red Hill Elementary School. Light refreshments will be provided.
This professional development opportunity is not sponsored by the DOE and is not for professional development credit.
DOE sabbatical applications being accepted thru Jan. 12

The Department of Education is accepting teacher sabbatical leave applications for the 2018-2019 school year until Jan. 12, 2018. Teachers can apply for one semester or one entire school year.

Teacher sabbatical leave 2018-1019 DOE memo

Teacher sabbatical leave information

Sabbatical application form

Sabbatical instructions/criteria

Teacher sabbatical leave criteria/rating scale

HEA conducts professional development survey

The Hawaii Education Association is conducting a survey to help shape its professional development programs "by educators, for educators."

The purpose of this study is to collect information from professionals like you, to create relevant programs for the future of education in Hawaii.  Your participation in this survey will support HEA's strategic planning efforts to ensure it is a viable and relevant organization for the future generation of educators, current educators and our retirees. 

Take the HEA professional development survey through Dec. 11.

Read this letter from June Motokawa about the HEA survey.

Sign up for the 7th International Conference on Education and Social Justice Dec. 1 -3

Subscribe to and follow HSTA's social media accounts
Be sure to subscribe to HSTA's YouTube channel and follow us on Instagram for the latest videos, photos and news about our Association and public schools in Hawaii.

Copyright © 2017 Hawaii State Teachers Association, All rights reserved.
Mahalo for your engagement.

Our mailing address is:
Hawaii State Teachers Association