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Sunday, December 2, 2018

Posted 12-3-2018 (Dated 11-30-2018) Register Dec. 3 for new payroll system; New HSTA Spring PD courses added; Sabbatical deadline nears; DOE tries to speed up repair and maintenance

Login and register starting Dec. 3 for new payroll system

The State of Hawaii Payroll Modernization Project’s (also known as HawaiiPay) third phase is being implemented in the coming weeks. All Department of Education (DOE) employees, including those on leaves of absence and substitute employees, will need to take action related to the implementation of the State’s new payroll system, known as the Hawaii Information Portal (HIP).
ACTION REQUIRED: Employees will need to log in on the HIP Employee Self-Service (ESS) between Dec. 3 and Dec. 14 and enter their direct deposit information. 
Charter school employees who receive their pay through DOE payroll services will also need to enter their information on the HIP.
Key information related to the implementation can be found at the following websites
Click for full web story and more resources.

DOE launches modernized facilities maintenance program

The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) is redesigning its facilities maintenance program to align the department’s strategic focus on providing respectful learning environments with its core value of ensuring access to a quality public education for every student in every community across the state.

Superintendent Christina Kishimoto said the effort reflects the Department’s commitment to a well-defined accountability structure and to making project data both understandable and publicly available.

The three-part initiative involves streamlining how the DOE contracts repair services to fast-track priority projects, increasing the community’s access to project details with an online database under development and implementing a data-driven analysis to plan for future school needs. 
Corey Rosenlee, president of the Hawaii State Teachers Association, said, “We applaud the DOE’s efforts to address the school maintenance backlog. Even with these changes, Hawaii still needs a significant increase in funding from the Legislature to repair our aging schools and give our keiki the learning environment they deserve.”

Read the complete story on the DOE's revamped repair and maintenance program.

New spring 2019 HSTA PD courses 

Sign up now to improve your skills and reclassify for a raise

New Spring Course
MA184043 Numbers Make Sense (Hilo Hybrid Course)
PDE3 Section #293850:  HSTA Spring 2019
Dates:  February 23, 2019 - May 31, 2019
Math is a core subject in which we want our students to achieve mastery in prior to graduating from public education in Hawaiʻi.  This course is based on Jerome Bruner’s C-P-A approach which allows students to learn mathematics through concrete experiences in which they can transfer pictorially and then abstractly to be more fluent with number relationships.  This course offers teachers a way in which to facilitate learning of mathematical number sense so that students gain higher level complex thinking and understandings. Numbers Make Sense provides a concrete way to help all your students be critical thinkers and problem solvers. This hybrid course section will meet on Feb. 23 and March 2 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., location in Hilo to be determined.  

Building Processes in Mathematics
PDE3 Section #293445
Dates:  January 8, 2019 – June 6, 2019
This course is designed to help elementary education teachers in grades K-6 build processes within the classroom to help students build math problem solving skills.  The course is focused on the Singapore Math Framework, specifically focusing on metacognition and processes in teaching mathematics. Highlighted strategies in the course will cover the following topics; math talk, model drawing, questioning techniques, concept cartoons and making real-world connections. This course was previously listed as PD181773 Modeling in Mathematics and may NOT be repeated for credit. This section will meet at the Hawaii State Teachers Association (HSTA) 1200 Ala Kapuna St., Honolulu, Hawaii, 96819 from 3 to 5 p.m. on Jan. 8 and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Jan. 19 and March 9.

K-6 Foundations of Number Sense- Hybrid
PDE3 Section #MA184074 
Dates: January 10 - June 6, 2019
This 3-PD Credit Course is designed as an introductory course to support educators in teaching number sense using strategies and philosophies used in Singapore. Give students a deeper understanding of numbers, setting them up for current and future success as mathematical thinkers. Learn how to build foundational number sense not through memorization of rules and facts, but through a clear understanding of numbers, their magnitude, and their relationships with other numbers. Learn new methods for building number sense and teaching computation in ways that make sense to both you and your students in alignment with the Common Core State Standards. With this solid foundation, you will prepare them to develop higher-level math skills and reasoning ability for years to come. This section will meet on Oahu at HSTA, 1200 Ala Kapuna St., Honolulu, HI 96819,  from 9 4 p.m. on the following dates: January 10, February 16 and March 2. Online work will be required as part of this course.  

The 21st Century Classroom (Online)
PDE3 Section #293151
Dates: January 14, 2019 – May 31, 2019
In this 3-PD credit online course, participants will receive foundational skills necessary to be effective teachers in 1:1 environment.  Specifically, this course will be an introduction to: applications within G-Suite, formerly known as Google Apps for Education or GAFE.  Participants will create their own lesson plans and projects utilizing G-Suite. This course is intended for those new to using Google, but is open to all levels. Disclaimer: This course was previously listed as course numbers PD179618 and PD180155 and cannot be repeated for credit.

The 21st Century Classroom Level 2 (Online)
PDE3 Section #293152
Dates: January 14, 2019 – May 31, 2019
 This online 3-PD-Credit Course will provide teachers with technology tools to design a 21st century classroom. Teachers will learn how to use technology to open channels of communication with students and parents and increase collaboration among students, as well as build their creativity and critical thinking skills using 21st century classroom tools and apps such as: mail merge, autocrat and doctopus. Teachers will also learn about the importance of Internet safety and digital citizenship. During the course, participants will be immersed in a simulated 21st century classroom. Instructors will lead by example, and provide activities that incorporate technology seamlessly throughout the day. Disclaimer: This course was previously listed as course number PD180234 and cannot be repeated for credit.

Signing up for HSTA PD courses is as easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Go (PDE3) and add yourself to the wait-list for a specific section of a course
  2. Next, go to and make payment for that specific course section
  3. Lastly, once payment is received, HSTA will move you from the  “Wait-List” to “Registered” on PDE3 and your enrollment will be confirmed via email. 

Hawaii Island teachers: Parade tomorrow!

Teacher sabbatical leave info for next school year

Teacher sabbatical leave applications are now being accepted for next school year, 2019-2020. Teachers may apply for one semester or for an entire school year. Initial application due Jan. 10.
The following deadlines must be followed: 
  • By January 10, 2019, teacher submits DOE OTM 100-001, Sabbatical/Professional Improvement Leave for Certificated Employees, and supporting documents to principal/supervisor and Complex Area Superintendent (CAS) for review and signatures.
For more information and a complete list of sabbatical application deadlines, click here.

Should there be any questions, please contact Maile Horikawa, Personnel Specialist, at (808) 441-8348 or via Lotus Notes at

Call for Presenters/Presentations   (Deadline: Nov. 28)    
For more information: Email:

Popular HSTA Links:

Look for raises in your Nov. 5 paycheck

DOE's 2018-2019 official school calendar

DOE's 2019-2020 official school calendar

DOE's 2020-2021 official school calendar

Classroom visit memo

Please see this UPDATED MARCH 2018 chart for the EUTF and HSTA VB Health Benefit Premium Rates effective July 1, 2018.

Hawaii Teacher Standards Board Read HTSB reminders here.

Read the full story about pay hikes, supplemental pay and stipends available for teachers.

Click here to look at the salary schedules.

HSTA members can find a PDF searchable copy of the new 2017-2021 HSTA Collective Bargaining Agreement (contract) at this link.

More information about the 21 hours of job-embedded professional development can be found in these DOE FAQs.

Guidelines for Reclassification of Teachers

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