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Friday, February 5, 2016

Reminders: Kahele Funeral (Mon.) & Email your legislators TODAY Friday at 3-6 pm

Good Morning Colleagues,

I know you are all very busy; please make the time to contribute to these 2 important events:

1. For MONDAY, FEB. 8:  If anyone would like to contribute desserts, pupus, etc. for Senator Kahele's funeral, Joy Grabar will be on campus on Monday, Feb. 8 after school to pick up and deliver to the Afook Civic Auditorium.

2. For TODAY, FRIDAY, FEB 5: Please make the extra effort to email, telephone, or fax our legislators today, Friday, Feb. 5 between 3-6 pm to support the HSTA Rally on Oahu.

Here is the email I will send to Senator Lorraine Inouye -- HILO DISTRICT (Email: and Representative Clift Tsuji  -- WAIAKEA DISTRICT (Email: at 3pm today, Friday, Feb. 5. THIS IS MY FIRST TIME SENDING AN EMAIL TO MY LEGISLATORS; I AM DOING THIS BECAUSE WE HAVE NEW HSTA LEADERSHIP (CORY ROSENLEE and team) AND I WANT TO SUPPORT HIM. I BELIEVE HE HAS THE SKILL AND GUTS TO MAKE EDUCATION A PRIORITY FOR ALL! I hope this inspires you to write as well.

To: Senator Lorraine Inouye
To:  Representative Clift Tsuji

From: Joy Grabar, Waiakea Intermediate School Teacher

Date: February 5, 2016

RE: SB 2568 : Education Omnibus Bill; Schools Our Keiki Deserve

My name is Joy Grabar and I teach at Waiakea Intermediate School.

Please support the Omnibus Education bill (SB2568) and any related bills pertaining to HSTA's Schools Our Keiki Deserve campaign.

I believe that education must be your top priority because teachers cannot achieve great things alone; we need your support to continue to positively impact the keiki and our future generations here in Hawaii.

This is important to me because as a teacher, I (and my students) directly benefit or suffer based on your priorities, decisions, and actions. When you support teacher contracts and school funding initiatives, you increase the quality of life for all students. Education is the first step to a better quality of life. According to the Hawaii Superintendent’s Report, Hawaii is last in the nation in the percent of state and local expenditures for public education per capita.1 Please, change this statistic by investing in education.

Support Omnibus Education bill (SB2568) and any related bills pertaining to HSTA's Schools Our Keiki Deserve campaign. With your actions, you can make education the number one issue for the benefit of the people in Hawaii.

Thank you for your consideration,
Joy Grabar


  1. Thank you to the Waiakea Intermediate School teachers who generously contributed cookies and brownies to Senator Kahele's Celebration of Life. Teacher colleagues, President Cory Rosenlee, and a full house of Kahele's friends, family, and associates remembered an accomplished and good man from the Big Island. Aloha!

  2. Representative Clift Tsuji telephoned to inform yours truly that his support of the Omnibus Education bill (SB2568) was unwavering. Rep. Tsuji supports teachers and education. Thank you, Rep. Tsuji.
