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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Teachers Institute Day, Hilo Chapter--Bring ID; Keaau HS; posted 2-15-2017

To: WIS Colleagues
From: Joy Grabar
From email dated 2-14-2017, posted 2-15-2017

Please remember to bring your ID for check-in.

7:15 - 9:15 Check - In & Voting Library Area
7:30 - 9:00 Continental Breakfast Cafeteria
9:30 - 10:20 General Session Gym
10:30 - 11:15 Workshop I Classrooms
11:30 - 12:30 Lunch Cafeteria
12:45 - 1:30 Workshop II Classrooms
1:30 - 2:15 Content Conversation Classrooms
11:00 - 2:00 Vendors Cafeteria

* Workshop I 10:30 - 11:15 am     ** Workshop II 12:45 - 1:30 pm

G-101*** ESSA Task Amy Perruso Force
G-104L*** Charter School Roger Takabayashi Talk Story
G-107* NBCT Malia Perry Introduction and overview of National Board certification for Hawai’i teachers current and future candidates.
G-109*** Blue Zones Angie Miyashiro
G-110*** NEA MB Teresa Muench Money may not buy happiness, but financial wellness sure feels good. The purpose of this session is to cover the basic steps leading toward financial security. Taking control, having a plan and fulfilling your goals around money will improve your overall wellness. Not just your wellness, but also the health of all those around you. We will cover money management, debt control, credit scores and reports, identify theft and retirement planning.
G-111*** Benefits 101 Learn more about the benefits available to HSTA members. Hear from representatives from HSTA VEBA, ERS and EUTF.
E-112A*** Reaching ELL Ro P. & Elizabeth S. Students in the Classroom Participants will gain tools for embedding language learning into lessons through language objectives, context and increased student interaction. Participants will also gain tools for teaching language explicitly focusing on demystifying language and including linguistics and translation alongside content. This is a hands-on, high energy workshop. Take home materials will be provided

E-112B*** MAC Hearings Edwin Kagawa An open call to members! Be the winds of change. Steer the course of action for social justice in HSTA and in our schools. Voice your perspective and concerns on issues that impact student and teacher minority groups.
E-113*** I Choose Me AG Drug & Crime Task Force Officers were trained in October to present to students. Presentation will be conducted by officers from HPD in conjunction with the Attorney General’s Drug and Crime Prevention Task Force. This presentation discusses the new drugs that are hitting the streets where our students are and discussion of the signs to look out for when recognizing the symptoms.
E-116*** SPED Hearing Ray Camacho & Beverly Ikalani This hearing is to seek feedback on challenges, best practices, and suggestions to improve teaching conditions in the area of special education and inclusion. The HSTA Special Education Committee will use the information from these hearings to help inform policy makers and contract negotiators as they consider changes and improvements.
E-Com. Lab*** Google Classroom Nekisa Nahzad- Nolan This workshop will focus on showing teachers how to setup a Google Classroom and the ways to use it with the students. This workshop will show how to organize classroom folders and setup shared folders so a teacher can create a place where students can go to find handouts used in class. PowerPoint/slides presented and links to resources.

Library* HSTA-Retired Lois Shimizu & Avis Mortemore Retired teachers alert active teachers of the need to plan early for retirement. Information will be shared to include valuable retirement updates, estimating expenses and pensions, contact info, useful websites, and more. Limited to 100 participants.
Band Room* Contract Rae Yamanaka Interpretation This session will be an open forum to discuss contractual issues and concerns as related to the present master agreement.



Chinen & Arinaga Financial Group
Office of the Securities Commissioner
Island Savings Plan
Kaiser Permanente
Mutual Of America
National Geographic
Queen Liliuokalani Trust
UH Hilo College of Education
UH Manoa College of Education
VEBA Trust

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Reminder: Teacher Institute Day on Thursday, Feb. 16 at Keaau High School. All teachers to report to site.

This is a reminder that on Thursday Feb. 16, 2017, the HSTA Hilo Chapter Teacher Institute will be held at Keaau High School.  Other Institutes on that day will be at Kealakehe High and Kohala High.
Teacher Institute is a negotiated change of work station day for all BU5 members (Articles VI section GG &  XVI).  All teachers are to report to one of the Institutes.  They are not to report to their schools. 
Official union business will be conducted on that day.
Thank you,
Joy Grabar

Friday, February 3, 2017

CALL FOR TESTIMONY Educational Funding bills SB686, SB683, HB180, HB182, posted 2-3-2017

From: D. Anderson
Posted by J. Grabar, 2-3-2017

HSTA President Corey Rosenlee addressed the Party months ago on our Education Funding Crisis in Hawaii and many people asked him to keep the party updated on his education funding proposal. 
Please submit testimony for these items below before Wednesday THURSDAY at 2:00pm 
Please attend our march, February 13th 10:00am at the Blaisdell.  
Teachers, parents, kids and community members will be marching from Blaisdell to the State Capital to show support for our public schools. 

Flu Shots at Institute Day, sign up with this link, posted 2-3-2017

To: WIS Teachers
From: C. Ho, Teachers Institute Committee
Posted by: J. Grabar, 2-3-2017

Aloha everyone -

KTA Pharmacy has graciously agreed to partner up with us again to give out flu shots.  They have asked that those teachers interested in receiving a flu shot please take the time to fill out the simple survey provided.  Please encourage your teachers to go to the link and say yes to receiving a flu shot.  This will tell them exactly how many to bring.

Mahalo for your time!