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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Pay hike information; End-of-school reminders, rumors; Watch video of Hilo teaching excellence honorees, posted 5-28-2017

Pay increases coming soon; Look up your salary hike here!   

On April 22, the HSTA reached agreement with the state for a new four-year contract covering the years 2017-2021. The agreement, which was overwhelmingly ratified by teacher and then funded by the Legislature, includes pay raises in each of the next four years. 

With the closing of the school year, we wanted to alert you that teachers who are with the DOE and/or have their salaries processed through DOE payroll should receive two personnel action forms before they leave for the summer. 

The first document reflects a 1.8 percent across-the-board increase to their base salary (without the 21 hours of extra pay). The second document reflects the 1.8 percent and the additional pay for 21 hours of job-embedded professional development. 

The salary increases will go into effect on July 3 for 12-month and multi-track teachers and on August 1 for all other 10-month teachers.

Charter teachers should receive something similar reflecting their increase in pay.  We are working with the employer to finalize the additional salary schedules and the final contract for printing. Copies of the new agreement are slated for printing and mailing around the end of July. They will be mailed to HSTA head faculty representatives at each work site.
See the chart below to help you understand the various salary documents you will receive.

Please click on the links below to view the various salary schedules:

10-Month Teachers
1.8% ATB Exhibit F 10-Month 1.8% (Effective end of Workday June 30, 2017)
New Salary Schedule for Next School Year
New 10-Month Schedule with 1.8% & 21 hours for SY 2017-2018 Effective Aug. 1, 2017

12-Month Teachers
1.8% ATB Exhibit R 12-Month 1.8% (Effective end of Workday June 30, 2017)
New Salary Schedule for Next School Year
New 12-Month Schedule with 1.8% & 21 hours for 2017-2018 Effective July 3, 2017 

Last teacher day May 30: Rumors and misinformation

Tuesday is the last day for traditional 10-month teachers and is a teacher workday. That day is intended to be used to wrap up for the school year, including completing check-out activities and turning in final grades. In the last couple of days, HSTA has received a few calls from teachers reporting their administrators are implying and or threatening consequences for not showing up on the teacher work day of May 30.  Some of the rumors and misinformation include teachers reporting that they have been told if they call in sick, they will forfeit summer pay, their absence will impact new pay raises, and/or that they could get disciplined or have negative consequences in their teacher evaluation ratings. This information is false. 

The only time a teacher’s pay is affected for leave is if they are on a leave without pay status. Unfortunately, sometimes teachers are legitimately ill and or have medical conditions that prevent them from reporting on the last day of school. When they are ill, teachers have the right to use their sick leave, regardless of the particular work day. If that happens to you, using your paid sick leave should not affect any other pay.

Teachers should however know that if they are a “no-show” on the last day, that results in a different situation.  In addition, if teachers misuse sick leave benefits – i.e., call in sick when they are really on vacation, that could have consequences, including disciplinary action for abuse of leave.  As to the alleged consequence for a teacher evaluation rating?  By this time of the school year, all the ratings should be issued for this year.  If an administrator were to try to punish legitimate use of sick leave by using it in an evaluation record, you have a right to challenge that action.

If you are being told what you think is misinformation and are in need of assistance, please contact your UniServ Director at the nearest HSTA office.  If you don’t know who to call, call the main office at 808-833-2711.

Know your rights: Ending the school year

As the school year winds down, here are some important tips:

Personal Items - take all your personal belongings home. It may be difficult, but it is the best way to ensure that your personal items are safe. Most important, do not keep your personal employment files at school.

Changing Classrooms -  if you must change classrooms, be sure your administration provides boxes for you and assistance with the move. Make sure you clearly label every box and make an inventory list.

Personnel File - now is a good time to check your personnel file. Ask your school SASA (secretary) to arrange a time to review your file. Make copies of any documents that you may not have in your own records at home. If you find any derogatory information you have never seen, see your grievance representative for assistance in getting it removed.

Summer Address - if you are planning to go away for the summer, be sure the school office has accurate contact information. This is especially important if the school needs to discuss potential changes that could impact you, such as line or classroom assignments.

Hilo Chapter honors excellent teachers, retirees
Congratulations to 19 Excellence in Teaching honorees from HSTA’s Hilo Chapter. They were celebrated at a luncheon May 21 at Nani Mau Gardens on Hawaii Island. In addition, 24 retirees from the Hilo Chapter were also honored.

Watch this video about Hilo Chapter's Excellence in Teaching honorees.

For a complete list of the Hilo Chapter Excellence in Teaching honorees and retirees from the chapter, click here.

Kauai sped teacher wins HSTA excellence S.T.A.C.Y. award; Molokai youth leader wins Friend of Youth award 

The HSTA this spring gave its S.T.A.C.Y. award -- spotlighting excellence inside and outside the classroom -- to Michael Kline, a special education teacher at Kilauea Elementary on Kauai. A gifted teacher who has founded three clubs at his school, including a skateboard club, Kline mentors other teachers and has worked tirelessly to help Kauai teachers improve their practice.

Read the entire story about Michael Kline's STACY teaching excellence award from HSTA here.

The HSTA also awarded its Friend of Youth award to Liko Wallace, a longtime substitute teacher who has run a youth paddling club on Molokai for more than 30 years.

Watch this video from HSTA's 2017 State Convention with an oli in honor of Liko Wallace and her brief acceptance speech.

Member Matters email blasts on summer schedule

Your favorite weekly email eNewsletter from HSTA, Member Matters, transitions to a reduced summer schedule as most of our teacher members enjoy their summer break. Instead of weekly updates, look for your Member Matters emails every two or three weeks over the summer. Here is the schedule for Fridays: June 16 and 30July 14 and 28.

If there is important breaking news, we will send out an email bulletin as needed. We will return to offering updates almost every week once school resumes Aug. 1.

If you know of any teachers doing interesting and different activities or adventures over the summer, we'd like to spotlight them! Please email us at and we'll get in touch to follow up.


Your kokua is needed for a colleague

Kalaheo High Teacher Luseane Suliafu is an avid, dedicated and hard-working teacher.  She had eye problems and the doctors couldn’t figure out what was going on. She went on medical leave in January of last year and then could not return to work with the doctor’s clearance for the 2016-17 school year. She has been on leave without pay since December 2016.

She was approved by the DOE Leave Sharing program for 86 days through May 30, 2017, but still needs donated leave days to recover and recuperate.

Log in to DOE's intranet system for a leave sharing application.

If you are interested in sharing your leave, click here for the leave sharing donation form.

Click here for leave sharing instructions.

Once you have completed the form, you may submit it electronically to the SASA at Kalaheo High School at Dominique_Silva/KALAHEOH/, fax it to 254-7907 or mail it to Kalaheo High School, ATTN:  SASA, 730 Iliana Street, Kailua, HI 96734.

Increase your skills and pay with HSTA PD! Enrollment underway

We are happy to announce HSTA's professional development summer courses are open for enrollment, with teachers teaching teachers. The courses include 21stcentury learning, inclusion, STEM, environmental education, cultural-based education, classroom management and teacher leadership.

HSTA’s Summer Internship Program is available on Oahu and Maui and endorsed in a recent Lotus Notes email by the state superintendent. We are also offering level two of the summer intern program for those teachers who are currently teaching secondary CTE. Please also consider registering for the National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) Jump Start course that will help you understand the NBCT process and get you started towards receiving a five-year $5,000 stipend from the state.

Read more about HSTA PD courses and register here.

Schools have been paying for teachers to take HSTA courses and receive PD credits, since they take place outside of the workday. To take advantage of this great deal, please register yourself for the course (so that you secure a seat) and once your school sends us payment, we will process a reimbursement to you. Schools can use HSTA Vendor #021749

Institute Week dates set for 2018

Save these dates for Institute Days across the state next year:

Mon, Feb. 12       Oahu
Tues, Feb. 13      Kauai
Wed, Feb. 14       Molokai
Thur, Feb. 15       Maui and Lanai
Fri, Feb. 16          Hawaii Island

COME celebrate WITH US! May is Member Appreciation Month, and we’re thanking you for everything you do every day to help shape the future. Here’s how we’re celebrating you:
  • “31 DAYS OF GIVING” GIVEAWAY — enter daily through May 31, 2017 for a chance to win one of 400 prizes, including a $1,000 grand prize
  • THANK-YOU GIFTS AND EXCLUSIVE OFFERS — to help you save money all year long
  • INSPIRING VIDEOS — see the impact members have on their students

NEA members SAVE 20% on Graduation and Father’s Day flowers and gifts

Celebrate Dads and grads with our best and brightest graduation flowers, keepsake gifts and gourmet treats from or NEA members get 20 percent off their purchase! For more information and to place your order, go to and look for under the Discounts tab.

Up-to-date information on merchant discounts, shipping terms and WOW Points appears on the NEA Click & Save Web page at and may change at any time. Don’t forget to use your WOW Points—they’re just like cash (100 WOW Points = $1; plus, no blackout dates and no expiration)!

Regal movie ticket deal for HSTA members

Buy 10 Regal movie tickets for $89.90.  Dole Cannery Stadium 18, Windward Stadium 10, Pearl Highlands Stadium 12, Wharf Cinema Center (Lahaina).

Subscribe to and follow HSTA's social media accounts
Be sure to subscribe to HSTA's YouTube channel and follow us on Instagram for the latest videos, photos and news about our Association and public schools in Hawaii.

10-Month Teachers
Current Salary Schedule 
1.8% ATB Exhibit F 10-Month 1.8% (Effective end of Workday June 30, 2017)
New Salary Schedule for Next School Year
New 10-Month Schedule with 1.8% & 21 hours for SY 2017-2018 Effective Aug. 1, 2017

12-Month Teachers
Current Salary Schedule
1.8% ATB Exhibit R 12-Month 1.8% (Effective end of Workday June 30, 2017)
New Salary Schedule for Next School Year
New 12-Month Schedule with 1.8% & 21 hours for 2017-2018 Effective July 3, 2017 

Watch this video about Hilo Chapter's Excellence in Teaching honorees.

For a complete list of the Hilo Chapter Excellence in Teaching honorees and retirees from the chapter, click here.

Read the entire story about Michael Kline's STACY teaching excellence award from HSTA here.

Watch this video from HSTA's 2017 State Convention with an oli in honor of Liko Wallace and her brief acceptance speech.

If you are interested in sharing your leave, click here for the leave sharing donation form.

Click here for leave sharing instructions.

Read more about HSTA PD courses and register here.

From Last Week:

Read the entire story, including BOE's statement about Kishimoto's selection and the governor's reaction here.

Read our previous story with testimony from members of the public upset no one with experience in Hawaii was a finalist.

Read all the written testimony submitted to the BOE for May 11's meeting.

Watch the two superintendent finalists' remarks at the BOE's May 11 meeting as well as testimony about them and the search process. (35-minute video)

Read or watch HNN's story about Trump's proposed cuts to Native Hawaiian education with reaction from three public school teachers.

Read a detailed summary of how public schools fared in the 2017 Legislature here.

Read the entire story about the NEA Board approving new charter policy statement.

Read the names and schools of the awardees from HSTA's Central Chapter's Teacher Excellence Luncheon.

Read more about teacher performance ratings and what to do if you receive marginal or unsatisfactory ratings.
Copyright © 2017 Hawaii State Teachers Association, All rights reserved.
Mahalo for your engagement.

Our mailing address is:
Hawaii State Teachers Association
1200 Ala Kapuna Street
HonoluluHI 96819

Add us to your address book

Want to change how you receive these emails?
You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Message from HSTA President Corey Rosenlee, posted 5-23-2017

To: WIS Colleagues
From: C. Rosenlee, HSTA President
Date: 5-23-2017
Posted by J. Grabar

Brothers and Sisters of the Hawaii State Teachers Association:

Next school year will be a very trying time for all unions across the country. With the election of President Trump and the appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, anti-union forces are pushing court cases that will erode worker rights by forcing all states to become “right to work.” Right to work may sound nice, but it should be called “right to work for less” or “right to freeload.” In these cases, people receive all the benefits of a union without having to pay for them. The union still negotiates the contract and fights for its members, but some people will choose not to pay for those crucial services. Who does pay? The teacher next door has to pay for the person who pays no dues and who still reaps the benefits of the union. That is why unions call it the “right to freeload.”

When HSTA went on strike in 2001, one teacher crossed the picket line at Roosevelt High where I was working. Unlike us, that teacher got paid during the strike and still received the salary increases that all the rest of the teachers on the line struck for. That is not fair, nor is reaping the benefits of a union without paying your fair share. That is why in 1977, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled in the case of Abood v. Detroit that fair share fees are legal. Now, this is most likely going to change. In states where right-to-work legislation has passed, teachers and other unions have seen pay and employees’ rights severely decreased.

As members of HSTA, our desire to give our keiki the schools they deserve and the need to protect union and workers’ rights is too important to allow this to happen without a fight. This past weekend, HSTA’s Board of Directors began adjusting and prioritizing our budget to ensure that our core mission and our ability to advocate for and organize our members will not be diminished. Some of the major changes include reducing the state convention from once a year to once every two years and funding fewer people to attend the national convention. These budget cuts were difficult and I thank the board for making these tough decisions.

I ask everyone reading this email for your help. Reach out to all teachers and have that vital conversation on what it means to you to be part of HSTA. Maybe it’s the better pay or benefits of a contract or getting air conditioning for your classroom, fighting for student travel, or knowing that a UniServ Director’s protection is only a call away. Maybe it’s the $1 million liability protection at no cost to you or how the union is able to bargain for lower prices on insurance programs, the classes HSTA offers for professional development so you can improve your practice and your paycheck, or that as a united union, we advocate for social justice for our keiki and our community.

We need to be there for each other and that is how we stay strong as a union. They may try to take away workers’ rights, but they can’t take away our union.

In solidarity,
Corey Rosenlee
HSTA President
Copyright © 2017 Hawaii State Teachers Association, All rights reserved.
Mahalo for your engagement.

Our mailing address is:
Hawaii State Teachers Association
1200 Ala Kapuna Street
HonoluluHI 96819

Hilo Chapter President Dawn Raymond's End of School Report, posted 5-23-2017

To: WIS Colleagues
From: D. Raymond
Date: 5-23-2017
Posted by J. Grabar


2:36 PM (4 hours ago)
to me


Hilo Chapter 

President's Message

Aloha Colleagues,

As this school year comes to an end, I would like to thank each and every one of you for being a part of our chapter and for dedicating your time to public education in Hawaii.

The Hilo Chapter members continue to participate in community events.

We participated in Kau’s first Wellness Fair on Saturday, April 15. There were many activities at the Wellness Fair which was open to the public: an egg hunt, a healthy fun-run-walk, a read-aloud book time and a Blue Zones Project purpose workshop. There were also many informational tables.

The Hilo Chapter's active members and retirees also participated in the National Association of Letter Carriers’ Annual Food drive at the Hilo airport post office on Saturday, May 13.

Hilo Chapter's Teacher of Excellence luncheon was held on Sunday, May 21 at Nani Mau Gardens.  A total of 19 Teacher of Excellence honorees and 24 retirees were honored at the luncheon.

Above: Here are some of the 19 Hilo Chapter teachers honored for excellence Saturday.

I invite you to join us in future community activities. If you are interested in joining us, please contact your head faculty representative.

Above: Hilo Chapter and State Leaders. L-R: Hilo Chapter Vice President Christopher Ho, Board Director Val De Corte, Treasurer Cheney Kaku, President Dawn K.K. Raymond, Secretary Karen Kohagura, HSTA Executive Director Wilbert Holck and HSTA President Corey Rosenlee.

I wish you all a relaxing and safe summer. I look forward to seeing you and working together with you next school year.

Dawn Kiyoko Kainoa Raymond
HSTA Hilo Chapter President
Copyright © 2017 Hawaii State Teachers Association, All rights reserved.
Mahalo for your engagement.

Our mailing address is:
Hawaii State Teachers Association
1200 Ala Kapuna Street
HonoluluHI 96819

Saturday, May 20, 2017

SLLs for WIS SY 2017-2018, Aloha Club updates, posted 5-20-2017

To: WIS Colleagues
From: J. Grabar
Re: SLLs for WIS SY 2017-2018, Aloha Club updates
Date: 5-20-2017

1. SLL volunteers!
We have a volunteer who is happy to serve on our WIS School Leadership team for SY 2017-2018. Therefore we will not need to run a ballot this last week of school.

If others are interested in serving and/or would like information on serving, please email or chat with Joy Grabar. Thank you for everyone's positive support. Let's work together to create a great workplace!

2. Aloha Club
"Poker Night" was a lot of fun--the spirited company of more than 20 guests, 2 powerhouse Poker dealers, awesome special drinks, King Crab legs, and lots of delicious side dishes--and I look forward to more. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the fun evening. Congrats to Lisa for her winning poker hand!

"Mail Carrier FoodDrive" welcomed 5 WIS staff to help sort truckloads of food donations. The afternoon event bustled with over 50 volunteers from various unions and clubs. Look forward to the next event in 2018--always the 2nd Saturday in the month of May!


Member Matters: New superintendent selected; Teachers criticize Trump budget cut proposal; Legislative wrap; Free appetizer from Bubba Gump for teachers, posted 5-20-2017

BOE chooses Kishimoto as next schools superintendent

The State of Hawaii Board of Education announced Friday that it has selected Christina Kishimoto, Ph.D. as the next superintendent with a three-year contract.
HSTA President Corey Rosenlee said, “Now that the superintendent has been selected, we look forward to the opportunity to work with her to change our test and punish culture, improve the special education crisis, recruit and retain teachers and strengthen Hawaii’s career and technical education programs.”
“One of the most important things we are looking for is to create a strong relationship between the new superintendent and HSTA so we can work cooperatively to improve public education in Hawaii,” Rosenlee added. “Hawaii is a unique school system encompassing rural and urban as well as small and large schools. We hope the new superintendent will choose a strong local deputy to help her with our diverse culture and statewide school system.”

Rosenlee was interviewed by Hawaii News Now and KITV 4 Island News today and his comments will air on their 5 and 6 p.m. broadcasts tonight.

Read the entire story, including BOE's statement about Kishimoto's selection and the governor's reaction here.

Read our previous story with testimony from members of the public upset no one with experience in Hawaii was a finalist.

Read all the written testimony submitted to the BOE for May 11's meeting.

Watch the two superintendent finalists' remarks at the BOE's May 11 meeting as well as testimony about them and the search process. (35-minute video)

Teacher leaders speak out against millions in Trump budget cuts   

HSTA leaders Dawn Raymond (Hilo Chapter president), Amber Riel (Leeward Chapter president) and Laverne Moore (Honolulu Chapter president) spoke out against millions of dollars in cuts to Native Hawaiian education programs proposed by the Trump administration in a story that lead the 10 p.m. newscast Thursday on Hawaii News Now. Trump wants to divert hundreds of millions in aid for public schools, which are attended by 90 percent of students nationwide, to voucher and tax credit programs benefiting parents and students in private and religious schools, which are attended by just 10 percent of the country's children.

Read or watch HNN's story about Trump's proposed cuts to Native Hawaiian education with reaction from three public school teachers.

Legislative summary: We had some wins

As many of you have probably heard, it was an interesting legislative session, to say the least. Our Constitutional Amendment made it far because of all of your action as members, but not quite far enough.

We had an important victory that allows more money to be used to install AC and other methods to combat hot classrooms. Nearly $500 million in new public school construction projects were approved by lawmakers this year.

Read a detailed summary of how public schools fared in the 2017 Legislature here.

Central Chapter honors best of the best
For the 28th year in a row, HSTA’s Central Chapter honored 29 teachers for representing the best qualities of the teaching profession during a Teacher Excellence Luncheon on May 6.
“It’s because of your passion, dedication and excellence that we celebrate you today!” said Kristi Miyamae, HSTA’s Central Chapter president.

Know your rights: Teacher performance ratings 

In the month of May, many teachers are receiving their final performance evaluation rating under the Educator Effectiveness System (EES). Teachers who are rated less than effective must receive final notification no later than the third Friday in May (May 19)*. 
To qualify for pay increases, a teacher must be rated effective or better. Any teacher who was streamlined this year would carry over their effective or better rating from prior years.

Charter policy statement gets NEA Board approval

The NEA Board of Directors voted unanimously in April to recommend the NEA Representative Assembly approve a new policy statement on charter schools this summer in Boston.
The new statement draws a line between charter schools that NEA will support and those it will not support. The four-page statement opens with: “The purpose of this policy statement is to make plain NEA’s opposition to the failed experiment of largely unaccountable privately managed charter schools while clarifying NEA’s continued support for those public charter schools that are authorized and held accountable by the local democratically elected school boards or their equivalent.”

Read the entire story about the NEA Board approving new charter policy statement.

Speak out: ESSA plan and STRIVE HI survey 

The Hawaii DOE is seeking feedback on its draft Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan and STRIVE HI accountability system update. ESSA requires all states to submit plans on how to meet the law’s requirements and manage federal funding.

Teachers’ voices are critical in crafting a plan and accountability system that support the classroom experience. As our state reflects on the condition of our school system, we must highlight the ideas of teachers entrusted to shape our children’s future.

The DOE’s ESSA plan and STRIVE HI survey can be found here.

To help you complete the ESSA survey, HSTA has composed these sample answers for each question.

You are welcome to copy and paste our suggestions into the space provided or create your own answers based on your professional expertise.

Teachers must be at the center of education policymaking. Please take five to ten minutes to complete ESSA Plan survey and share your vision of the schools our keiki deserve.

Your kokua is needed for a colleague

Kalaheo High Teacher Luseane Suliafu is an avid, dedicated and hard-working teacher.  She had eye problems and the doctors couldn’t figure out what was going on. She went on medical leave in January of last year and then could not return to work with the doctor’s clearance for the 2016-17 school year. She has been on leave without pay since December 2016.

She was approved by the DOE Leave Sharing program for 86 days through May 30, 2017, but still needs donated leave days to recover and recuperate.

Log in to DOE's intranet system for a leave sharing application.

If you are interested in sharing your leave, click here for the leave sharing donation form.

Click here for leave sharing instructions.
Once you have completed the form, you may submit it electronically to the SASA at Kalaheo High School at Dominique_Silva/KALAHEOH/, fax it to 254-7907 or mail it to Kalaheo High School, ATTN:  SASA, 730 Iliana Street, Kailua, HI 96734.
Increase your skills and pay with HSTA PD! Enrollment underway
We are happy to announce HSTA's professional development summer courses are open for enrollment, with teachers teaching teachers. The courses include 21st century learning, inclusion, STEM, environmental education, cultural-based education, classroom management and teacher leadership.

HSTA’s Summer Internship Program is available on Oahu and Maui and endorsed in a recent Lotus Notes email by the state superintendent. We are also offering level two of the summer intern program for those teachers who are currently teaching secondary CTE. Please also consider registering for the National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) Jump Start course that will help you understand the NBCT process and get you started towards receiving a five-year $5,000 stipend from the state.

Read more about HSTA PD courses and register here.

Schools have been paying for teachers to take HSTA courses and receive PD credits, since they take place outside of the workday. To take advantage of this great deal, please register yourself for the course (so that you secure a seat) and once your school sends us payment, we will process a reimbursement to you. Schools can use HSTA Vendor #021749

Institute Week dates set for 2018

Save these dates for Institute Days across the state next year:

Mon, Feb. 12       Oahu
Tues, Feb. 13      Kauai
Wed, Feb. 14       Molokai
Thur, Feb. 15       Maui and Lanai
Fri, Feb. 16          Hawaii Island

COME celebrate WITH US! May is Member Appreciation Month, and we’re thanking you for everything you do every day to help shape the future. Here’s how we’re celebrating you:
  • “31 DAYS OF GIVING” GIVEAWAY — enter daily through May 31, 2017 for a chance to win one of 400 prizes, including a $1,000 grand prize
  • THANK-YOU GIFTS AND EXCLUSIVE OFFERS — to help you save money all year long
  • INSPIRING VIDEOS — see the impact members have on their students

NEA members SAVE 20% on Graduation and Father’s Day flowers and gifts

Celebrate Dads and grads with our best and brightest graduation flowers, keepsake gifts and gourmet treats from or NEA members get 20 percent off their purchase! For more information and to place your order, go to and look for under the Discounts tab.

Up-to-date information on merchant discounts, shipping terms and WOW Points appears on the NEA Click & Save Web page at and may change at any time. Don’t forget to use your WOW Points—they’re just like cash (100 WOW Points = $1; plus, no blackout dates and no expiration)!

Regal movie ticket deal for HSTA members

Buy 10 Regal movie tickets for $89.90.  Dole Cannery Stadium 18, Windward Stadium 10, Pearl Highlands Stadium 12, Wharf Cinema Center (Lahaina).

Subscribe to and follow HSTA's social media accounts
Be sure to subscribe to HSTA's YouTube channel and follow us on Instagram for the latest videos, photos and news about our Association and public schools in Hawaii.

Read the entire story, including BOE's statement about Kishimoto's selection and the governor's reaction here.

Read our previous story with testimony from members of the public upset no one with experience in Hawaii was a finalist.

Read all the written testimony submitted to the BOE for May 11's meeting.

Watch the two superintendent finalists' remarks at the BOE's May 11 meeting as well as testimony about them and the search process. (35-minute video)

Read or watch HNN's story about Trump's proposed cuts to Native Hawaiian education with reaction from three public school teachers.

Read a detailed summary of how public schools fared in the 2017 Legislature here.

Read the entire story about the NEA Board approving new charter policy statement.

Read the names and schools of the awardees from HSTA's Central Chapter's Teacher Excellence Luncheon.

Read more about teacher performance ratings and what to do if you receive marginal or unsatisfactory ratings.

The DOE’s ESSA plan and STRIVE HI survey can be found here.

To help you complete the ESSA survey, HSTA has composed these sample answers for each question.
Copyright © 2017 Hawaii State Teachers Association, All rights reserved.
Mahalo for your engagement.

Our mailing address is:
Hawaii State Teachers Association
1200 Ala Kapuna Street
HonoluluHI 96819