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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Posted 1-27-2019 (Dated 1-25-2019) WATCH: New videos capture our teachers in action


Presented by the Hawaii State Teachers Association
JANUARY 25, 2019

New videos capture our teachers in action

It was a busy week for Hawaii State Teachers Association members!
Seventy teachers were honored in Hawaii for earning or renewing their National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification, including 63 public school educators. Here, HSTA members open up about the rigorous process to meet the most advanced teaching standards in the nation.
On Monday, HSTA honored Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by participating in parades on Oahu and Maui. In this video, teachers explain why his legacy is so important and how his message of peace, unity and action will continue to resonate for generations to come.
Visit HSTA on YouTube

Deadline imminent

You have until the end of today (Friday) to request an absentee ballot for HSTA's state and chapter elections.

NEA RA State Delegate candidates announced

Hawaii will send 15 state delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly in Houston this July.

Institute Day approaches

Are you ready for HSTA Teacher Institute Day in February? New this week, we've added detailed schedules, plus workshops and exhibitors lists for Oahu and Hawaii Island.

How to report union dues on your taxes

The state's official tax instruction book confirms union dues can still be deducted from state taxes, subject to limit.

Governor outlines education plan

In his State of the State address Tuesday, Gov. David Ige pushed for an overhaul of Hawaii’s public preschool and elementary school system.

More stories and links

Question of the Week

What would you like to see more of in Member Matters? We want to hear from you. Plus, we're looking to spotlight teachers doing amazing things in and out of the classroom. If you know the perfect person, tell us!
Send an email
Copyright © 2019 Hawaii State Teachers Association. All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Hawaii State Teachers Association
1200 Ala Kapuna Street
HonoluluHI 96819

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Posted 1-24-2019, Request Absentee Ballot by Jan. 25, 2019 midnight.

Aloha Hilo Chapter Head Reps, etc.

Please see below for requesting an HSTA absentee ballot.  (Normal voting will be held at our annual Institute Day on Tues, Feb. 12, 2019 at Hilo High Cafe).  See attachment for more information.  

Please share this information with your members at your respective schools.

Adrel Vicente, Lynn Kashinoki, Kerinne Smith
Hilo Chapter Elections Committee

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Date: Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 9:18 AM
Subject: Request for Absentee Ballot

Just a reminder that the deadline for requesting an absentee ballot to vote in the 2019 state and chapter elections is tomorrow, Jan. 25th at midnight.

While this does not excuse members from attending their Institute Day, we want to encourage participation in the election process.

Please spread the word to remind members of this, if they choose so. You may forward this link.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Posted 1-19-1019 WIS-related HSTA updates from Rae (Dated 1-16-2019)

Hello, WIS Colleagues,
Here is a message from Rae Yamanaka.
Please see Joy Grabar if you have any questions or need additional information.


Hi all,
Welcome back to school and to 2019!  We have many events occurring this semester.  Please see below for the activities and how you can be involved:

1.      January 19, 2019:  Women’s March to begin at the State building at 10am.  Informational booths and speakers.  See attachments with Joy Grabar.

2.      January 29, 2019:  Hilo Chapter RA at Kapiolani Elem. cafeteria, 5:30pm (note:  change of meeting place, parking on Mohouli St. is closest access to cafeteria).  RA is for SLLs, but other members are welcome.  Please let us know if additional teachers will be attending from your schools, contact Cheney Kaku at

3.      Feb. 2, 2019:  Labor of Love at Kapiolani Elem School.  AFL-CIO and BILA (Big Island Labor Alliance) have selected Kapiolani Elem. school for special project work.  This is an annual event that rotates among the different islands.  Labor brothers and sisters from all unions are asked to participate in painting, putting up basketball nets and cleaning of the campus.  Please report to Kapiolani and wear your red HSTA shirt.  Work begins at 7:30am and ends at noon.  Lunch will be provided.  Chiefess Kapiolani Elem. School, 966 Kilauea Ave., Hilo, HI  96720.  Volunteers are asked to sign the attached form and bring it with you that morning, copies will be available at the registration desk.  See attachments with Joy Grabar.

4.      Feb. 12, 2019:  Teacher Institute at Hilo High.  Registration begins at 7am.  Institute ends at 2:15pm.  Breakfast and lunch will be served.  Canned goods and other non perishables are being collected for the Hawaii Island Food Basket.  The agenda and workshops/vendors will be posted on the HSTA website shortly.  Come and learn about a variety of professional development topics, network with colleagues and visit our vendor section.  Guest Speaker is HSTA Vice President Osa Tui, Jr.  More details on the hsta website.  Wear RED!  Thanks to Shannon and Jill for representing WIS!

5.      Feb. 12, 2019:  Hilo Chapter Elections will be held at the Institute.  After registering, HSTA members will be voting on the chapter officers, chapter HSTA convention delegates and the chapter NEA-RA delegates.  Absentee ballots may be requested by going to the HSTA website, deadline is 1/25/19.  Also, please see attached information about elections if you wish to nominate yourself or others for one of the positions. See attachments with Joy Grabar.

6.      New Hires:  a membership form is attached for new teachers to your schools.   Please have them fill out the form and return to Rae at the January RA or fax to 969-7492
Please see Joy Grabar or Debbie Anderson for the membership form!

7.      2018 dues:  The dues paid in 2018 for HSTA membership is:  fulltime - $806.32 and halftime - $722.84.   The union dues paid in 2018 are no longer deductible on Miscellaneous Deductions for federal taxes. But it’s still unclear whether the state of Hawaii will continue allowing union dues to be deducted from taxes.  Because of numerous tax changes, the best advice the HSTA can give our members is to seek professional advice when completing their tax returns. Since we are not tax experts, we need to defer to the tax professionals on these kinds of questions.

8.      Professional Development class:  Hope McKeen, teacher at Ka Umeke Ka’eo is teaching a PD class called Numbers Make Sense, the class begins in February.  See attached flyer. See Joy Grabar for the flyer.

9.      Membership Services Financial/Retirement workshops:  See attached flyers about upcoming workshops that you can sign up for.  Plan smart, plan for your financial stability and retirement needs. See Joy Grabar for the flyer.

10.   Transfer & Assignment Process:  Please see your contract, Article VII – Assignment and Transfers, section F.   All tenured teachers may participate in the Transfer and Assignment process which will begin with the first posting on February 21st and end on March 6th.  Prior to the first posting period (by February 7th), all teachers should be made aware of the tentative teaching lines/master schedule for SY2019/20.  NOTE:  the positions for 5th and 6th semester probationary teachers will be posted in the first posting and those teachers are eligible to participate in the first posting opportunities.  Check your DOE memos for more about the Transfer and Assignment timeline and postings.

11.   School Visits:  Contact Rae if you want a school visit by her and/or other chapter leaders.

Thanks for all that you do.


Posted 1-19-2019 (Dated 1-18-2019) New year, new look! View our Member Matters makeover


Presented by the Hawaii State Teachers Association
JANUARY 18, 2019

What do you think of our new look?

With the expansion of our communications department, we're exploring different ways to reach out to you, and that includes refreshing the way we send our weekly newsletter. We'd love your feedback as we continue to evolve! Keep reading for a glimpse of what we're working on.

Join us on Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

On Monday, Jan. 21, HSTA will be marching in parades on Oahu and Maui for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
It's a time to reflect on the principles of interracial cooperation, equality, and social change through nonviolent resolution of conflict, dedication to global peace, social justice, economic security and the eradication of poverty.
Please wear your red HSTA shirt and join us!

Institute Day updates

Are you ready for HSTA Teacher Institute Day in February? We've added new maps and event details (full workshop lists included) for several chapters.

Priorities in government

Wednesday marked the opening of the 30th Hawaii State Legislature. Find out what HSTA will be advocating for during the session, and on all levels of government.

Doing your taxes? Update on union dues

The state's official tax instruction book confirms union dues can still be deducted from state taxes, subject to limit.

Is your money working for you?

Free seminars offer financial guidance, whether you're a teacher close to retirement or just getting started in your career.

Nominate a Hawaii teacher for the STACY Award!

Every year, each NEA affiliate nominates one outstanding educator for the NEA Foundation Awards for Teaching Excellence. HSTA's state-level award is named after late HSTA Deputy Executive Director Stacy Nishina.
Nominate a teacher by Feb. 1

More stories and links

All week, teachers in Hawaii have been wearing #RedForEd in support of United Teachers Los Angeles (full gallery here). Have you taught in Los Angeles, and would you be willing to share your experience? Email! #UTLAUnity #WeAreLA

We want to hear from you!

Last week, we introduced you to HSTA's new Teacher Lobbyist Christine Russo. Now we're looking for more teachers to spotlight. If you know an educator doing amazing things in or out of the classroom, tell us!
Send an email